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Photography Forums

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<p>I was searching for information on a Toshiba Linear light meter, and found a site called "Photography Forums."<br>

On this site, they had a place called "Ask a Toshiba Technician." But before you can have your asked question asked, you have to register, which I did. Then I find out you have to select how much you are willing to pay for the technicians answer.<br>

No where, before you register, does it state you will have to pay for this service.<br>

What a rip off; if I had known this beforehand, I would have passed by.</p>

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<p>Unfortunately In today world of business the marketing tactics they use is nothing but legal robbery. They use decietful tactics, cheating and anything else unethical as long as it is not illegal to rip off consumers. I have personally experienced this type of online marketing that I had to fill out a long registration form and at the end found out that service was not free. That is why web marking is becoming less and less ineffective because people are losing trust.</p>
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<p>There has been a widespread expectation that everything on the web would be free, and people seem to be annoyed when it's not. But it's a channel for doing business, among other things, and I see nothing upsetting in being asked for money for something. You have the option to buy or not. I don't go stamping out of shops in a huff when they ask me for money.</p>
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