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What batteries for 430 EX II


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<p>Tomorrow morning, I will have in my hands my new (and first) flash...<br>

What betteries are better to use. Which ones perform better and last longer, from your own experience. Is it better to buy rechargable or alkaline?<br>



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<p>mAhs....whatever your flashes user's manual indicates is the LEAST amount you should use. Any higher does no harm to the equipment. The equipment will only draw the power it needs (meaning it's not like a voltage spec.....where all voltage is applied to equipment regardless of need). The "extra" power....or mAhs...will simply be saved for later usage (that's a very simple analogy, but close enough for this discussions purpose). Meaning the higher the mAhs the longer they will last in a given piece of gear on that charge of said batteries. So, buy the highest mAhs rating you can....you won't have to charge quite as much. BUT, buy at least 2 full sets.....one in use, one charging</p>
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<p>The Kodak rechargeables are every bit as good as EneLoops. I've tested both side by side. You can buy the Kodaks at Walmart photo dept for $10.97/4. They come in a white label. I have 48 of them, use them in temps as cold as 32 below zero, and have never had one fail in two years of use now. I use a MaHa recharger, and only use the slow recharge function.</p>

<p>Kent in SD</p>

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