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Pirate digital backs for MF


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<p>What makes you think an Aptus-II 10 (or 7) is cheaper than a CFV? I saw a used CFV offered for 4000 dollars the other day. Even the CFV-39 is debuting new for 14,000 USD, when the Aptus-II 10 is a 56mp back that will still likely fetch over 20,000 dollars even after they have been bought by Phase One. The fact that Phase One bought Leaf probably means that you at least have service and support guaranteed. This is better than if it just went out of business for example. Phase One probably has the best service and support of any of the digital back manufacturers. When Leaf was independent, they were very highly rated for their support as well. </p>

<p>But what you lose -- the CFV does not require any cables to operate. Also, if you decide to upgrade to a Hasselblad 200 series camera, the CFV is the only digital back that works seamlessly with the shutterless lenses in that system (which has some truly amazing lenses -- the 50/2.8, 110/2, 250/4, 350/4, 300/2.8 etc).</p>

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<p>Thanks, Stuart and Michael, just the circumstantial knowledge I look for! I mailed Leaf the other day for information about the Aptus-II 7 but have not gotten any answer (including prizes) yet.<br>

In fact, I am trying to be patient enough to wait for a second-hand market including the CFV-39 to emerge. The crop factor of 1,1 is really making it attractive!</p>

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<p>No problem Bengt. I think if you are willing to wait a bit for the CFV-39, you will find it to be the cheapest, easiest way to shoot high megapixel digital on your Hasselblad. But you might have to wait 6 months or a year for there to be much of a second hand market for the CFV-39 -- it will probably be fairly popular, as it is one of the cheapest 39mp backs, and a lot of people already have V system cameras. You might see some demo backs after 6 months, probably in the 12,000 USD range. </p>
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<p>Nearly any medium format digital back can be adapted to a "V" model Hasselblad body, if parts are still available. The best means of synchronization uses the flash contact on the lens shutter (focal plane synchronization may not be available), which works with any back in recent history. Leaf was recently purchased by Phase One, so I'd wait a bit to see how that settles out. There's no problem at all using Phase One backs on "V" Hasselblads.</p>

<p>Before buying any back, make sure you can get parts and service. This includes, of course, mounting hardware, shims, cables and batteries. Batteries and chargers may be the deal-killer (e.g., the old Kodak Nikon-based DSLRs). CFV backs use Sony "L" video batteries, which are widely available.</p>

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