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Is it normal for this flash to just up and die?


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<p>I feel like an idiot for asking this but I have <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/515454-REG/Bower_SFDRL14C_SFDRL14C_Macro_Ringlight_Flash.html">this ringflash</a> and it's worked amazing up until today when I tried to use it. At first I just thought the batteries weren't charged enough but I put fresh batteries in and still no flash. I even unscrewed it to see if I could replace the bulb (<em>assuming they even sold the bulbs separately</em>) and the bulb is glued in. I don't shoot macro enough to merit spending $400 on a ring flash and because I use bellows instead of a macro lens I can't have a DIY lens or flash adapter. On B&H it says it lasts 100-200 flashes but I just assumed that was per battery charge, and even so, I rarely use it I can't imagine I've shot more than 100-200 flashes with it.<br /> Anyway, long story short, has anyone else had this problem? I've had it for a little over a year so I can't return it to B&H and if need be I will buy it again but I just feel like I'm in the dark here.<br>

<a href=" is an example of what I'm using it for. Nothing I do professionally, just something I find interesting.</p>

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<p>I'm not familiar with that ringflash, so I'll be of limited help to you. My only suggestion is that the flash unit on the camera and camera hotshoe contacts may not be making proper contact. That is a problem that does occur. You might try first cleaning the contacts on both the camera and ringflash unit with a pencil eraser. If that doesn't do it, does the ringflash unit appear to seat firmly on the hotshoe? If it's a physical contact problem check that all the ringflash units pins are fully extended. You may need to return the ringflash unit for service, as its contact pins are usually spring loaded and the cameras are stationary.</p>
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Is there a light signal on the flash unit that indicates if the flash is ready? Like a green indicator light? If you have a ready light on the flash and it indicates it's ready, it probably your cord connection or the actual cord going to your hotshoe. Follow Bills suggestions.


If you have an indicater light on the flash unit, but it doesn't light up it's probably in the electronic circuity such as the capacitor. If thats the case you are probably better off buying another strobe.

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<p>Something was wrong internally because it sounded like it tried to charge but then couldn't finish. I opted out of repairing it and bought the ray flash adaptor instead. It works much better and I don't have to worry about another flash since it works off my 580 ex II. It's a pity though because that flash worked perfect with my bellows.</p>
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