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28mm F2


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<p>3 versions? hmm the contax version looks like 2.6in x 3.0 in. quite large compared to the A and M versions...<br />I wonder how much room it takes to add the workings to use the in body focus motor? I'd like the lens even more if it had AF, but remained dimuitive.<br>

<br />Mis how much would you say is reasonable?</p>

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<p>The M and A version are the same optical formula and identical in size and weight; they just have different external appearance. The K is a whole different beast, and looks more like a 135mm f/2.8 than a 28mm.</p>

<p>Russel, I gave up a long time ago, so I cannot remember what the going prices were back then. I do know I paid ~$150 for a Vivitar (Komine) 28mm f/2 in P/KA mount and thought that was a very good price. I could see an SMC-A easily fetching $100+ more.</p>

<p>But like all lens prices, it's only a matter of what the lens is worth to you. If you're going to leave it on the shelf, then $50 is too expensive. If you're going to use it almost every day, then $400 is a great price.</p>

<p>The problem with eBay is that many people will pay $400 to leave it on the shelf but include it in their forum signatures.</p>

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<p>Thanks for the heads up Mis, I don't really have a reference for price, becasue I just started looking for a 28mm. I'm finding that the 21mm is a little to wide for my "eye", but I'm still not sure I can live with manual focus only.</p>

<p>Perhaps I should just buy one... at the very least I can put it in my sig=D</p>

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<p>Russel, I happen to <strong><em>really</em> </strong> like 28mm on APS-C for a walk-around prime focal length. One advantage my Vivitar has over the Pentax is its close focusing (1:5 ratio, versus 1:7.7 for the Pentax) which makes it very versatile. Exhibit A:</p>

<p align="center"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/SmQBTZ_GOTI/AAAAAAAACXU/6WdNvUIFrds/IMGP5460-small.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>If you're interested in simply testing out the focal length, there are many inexpensive 28mm f/2.8 primes on eBay. Like 50mm and 135mm primes, it's difficult to make a bad 28mm, so almost any will do.</p>

<p>As for manual focusing, for close ups like the lizard above, I focus by moving the camera back and forth (as in macro). For "normal" shots, I generally zone focus, so I rarely have to look through the viewfinder and focus by hand unless I'm shooting something far away, like a building or a mountain, which generally don't move and allow me to focus at my leisure.</p>

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<p>hehe, I thought the pic was just blocked because I'm at work.... very cool though he looks like he's made of metal or something. I think I'll like 28mm also I think I'm more comfortable around 40mm equivilent than 30mm. I was looking for an F2 because the 24mm 1.4 was my favorite on canon. Speed is nice, but I'll probably settle for 2.8... compromise is such a pain.</p>
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<p>very cool though he looks like he's made of metal or something.</p>


<p>Well..he is! :-)</p>

<p>I'd love a Canon 24mm f/1.4 on APS-C...but I wouldn't be able to afford that lens. If you prefer a faster f/2, do consider looking for a Vivitar version. There were two types made, one by Kiron (with a 55mm filter) and one by Komine (49mm filter). The Kiron version is notorious for having stuck diaphragm blades, so go for the Komine. Its serial number will start with "28".</p>

<p>Vivitar also sold 24mm f/2 in P/KA mount, but these are rarer and go for $50-100 more than the 28mm f/2 (if memory serves me right).</p>

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<p>There were two types made, one by Kiron (with a 55mm filter) and one by Komine (49mm filter). The Kiron version is notorious for having stuck diaphragm blades, so go for the Komine. Its serial number will start with "28".</p>


<p>And for all the gory details visit <a href="http://photografica.robinparmar.com/vivitar.html">The Great Vivitar 28mm Bestiary</a> .</p>


<p>Vivitar also sold 24mm f/2 in P/KA mount, but these are rarer and go for $50-100 more than the 28mm f/2 (if memory serves me right).</p>


<p>Yep. I have one. It's very nice. Significantly more distortion than the 28mm but same IQ otherwise.</p>

<p>I would certainly recommend these Vivitar lenses as an alternative to the Pentax offerings.</p>

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