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Business Card Critic - yes, another :)


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<p>I've noticed an inflation of business card critics, so decided to show you one I designed today. (this is posted in the business section as well, however for a different reason).</p>

<p>So what do you think? Is it integral to have an image since I'm a photographer? FYI I was thinking of making it plastic, with the white as translucent.</p><div>00U2hi-158367684.jpg.f87e847c4540f9c6b5979228bc19a079.jpg</div>

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<p>I like the simplicity, and really if its mostly for you to hand out to clients or while meeting a client then I don't think you "need" an image.<br>

But I know I'm drawn to cards with an image on them over plain ones. So if say if I received mulitiply cards from a wedding planner, or bridal expo, I'd probably pass yours over for a more eye catching one. <br>

my 2 cents. :)</p>

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Ryan, your card is very well designed, but I'm all for having an image on the front. A picture will grab the viewer's attention and is far more likely to result in a trip to your website, than simply printing your contact details. Drawing a prospect to your portfolio should be of paramount importance, in my opinion.
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<p>While I agree that the design is attractive, I fear that the type is guaranteed to be much, much

too small. It’s a practical dilemma with business cards — it’s such a small

format, yet you’re handing them to people (middle-aged mothers, elderly grandparents) who

need to be able to actually read what’s on them. And small lightweight reversed type is

the textbook example of what they <em>won’t</em> be able to read.</p>


<p>While it’s permissible to go with smaller type on a card, I’d still recommend

against anything smaller than 9 point, especially if it’s anything other than black-on-white. 10

point is much better. If you can come up with an attractive design that uses 12 point type for your

contact information, you’re golden. (That’s near-impossible, but no less






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<p>Slick, and snappy, I agree.<br>

White Font <em><strong>size</strong></em> on the Black Centre Band is too small and will be hard to read, I agree.<br>

I like the fonts and the card is well balanced.<br>

"engagements" <em>come before</em> "weddings", IMO.<br>

Red and Black always work well together, IMO.<br>




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<p>Thanks everyone for the input.<br>


I must say I have a fondness for small sans-serif fonts. Gets me every time. I made another version taking your input and increased the font size across the board. Nothing is under 9pts besides for "Genuine Passionate Beautiful", which is 6pts. "Ryan" is 10pts, business name is 20pts, and everything else is 9pts. I think it's fairly legible; I reduced the size on my screen to resemble an actual card and compared the font size with that of other business cards I have, and I'm at least on par or slightly larger for the most part.<br>


Unless I was to move "Genuine Passionate Beautiful" somewhere else, I find if I increase it any more, it becomes too close to "<a href="http://www.seyeauphotography.com/">www.seyeauphotography.com</a>"<br>


I think I would disagree with having engagements first. It's in order of specialty, not chronologically. Also it balances out more this way :).<br>


So what do you think of the new version?<br>



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<p>"I think I would disagree with having engagements first. It's in <strong><em>order of specialty</em></strong>, not chronologically. Also it <strong><em>balances out</em></strong> more this way". <br>


I understand both your points. <br>


Different minds "see" things differently - that's what I saw on first glance - if it is not a big issue for you - then it is not a big issue – it is “what I saw when you handed me your card”.<br>


Yes, the black bar is too "weighty" for my liking now.<br>




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