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Where to look for gigs/jobs

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<p>Hi there,<br>

It's my first post here, so be indulgent!<br>

I'm a part-time freelance photographer (meaning i don't make enough money to make a living out of it) and I'm constantly trying to look for new jobs. <br>

I'm browsing craigslist and all those sites, but I also saw some site that offer paying services like thecreativeloft.com <br>

Did you guys tried it? I'm hesistant to join, but it doesn't look to scam for me so I might join...<br>

Waiting for your feedback,<br>



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<p>Hey Andrew. Use the people around you as your market. Engagement pictures, family portraits, child portraits (It's common to have newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 1 yr pictures, etc) , Senior pictures, etc. Do the first couple of sessions for free if they'll tell everyone they know about you and your services. Word-of-mouth is the name of the game. Good luck my friend!</p>
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<p>What have you photographed? Where is your online portfolio? Do you have a physical portfolio? Very few people get hired because they say they are a photographer, they get hired based on what they can prove they can do. What kind of work are you looking for?<br /> <br /> My experience has been finding a niche, actually several, and spending my time maintaining my business inside those niches. People get to know you, they seek you out, they buy photos you've already taken and pay you to take photos. </p>
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<p>There are many opportunities to get established in your community without much expense. Offering to do a free photo session, with the client getting a few 4x6 prints is a great way to start and build your portfolio and reputation. Obviously, if you do good work it will be easy to upsell them to a more profitable 11x14 or 16x20. Pets and children are great subject to begin with. Go to places where you frequently find these two easy subjects in bulk and offer your services. photobizreview.com can offer some creative ideas as well.</p>
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<p>I was told, when I bought my first DSLR, to go to a local showjumping place and take pictures of the jockeys. Anything involving horses is probably a rich man's game, so I was advised to try and sell pictures to the parents of the jockeys, as they will never be this age again.<br>

I would also recommend taking pictures of local events and try selling them to local newspapers.</p>

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<p>Hey Guys,<br>

I have a physical portfolio, but not online... that's also why i came across this site, they actually host portfolio as well. <br />Anyway, thanks for your advices. I'm going to try few free photo sessions (portraits) and I'll let you know.<br>

Talk soon,<br>

Andrew </p>

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