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Any suggestions for a good photography school or course?

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<p>I'm a novice who is looking become a professional photographer. I just got a Canon 50D and will have my lens soon, now I need to figure out which photography school to attend. I'm aware of NY Institute of Photography, Betterphoto.com, and Ppsop.com; I just don't know which one to choose! I'm looking for a good school at a good price. What has worked for you or other photographers that you know? Are there any schools you can recommend? Any to avoid?</p>


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<p>You also need to assess a potential career in photography as a part of some kind of life goals/plans. Do you already have a bachelor's degree? If not, you might do better to go to a four-year school that has a photography program. That gives you basic skills and a general education as well as technical training.<br>

You don't have to have an MBA to take pictures, but lots of photographers who are into the "art" side of the field, find it's nice to have a day job teaching the thing they love, while thus supporting their art work. (Frankly in that regard it's just like the other fine arts)</p>

<p>Full-time art photography is a tough biz to get into and make a living at.</p>

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<p>Try to contact a photo club in your area, or a photo equipment retailer. They can give you the best photo classes to attend in your home town. Most community colleges offer photography classes for beginners also photography classes are often offered in the local high school as adult night courses. Purchase some photography books they are always a good investment. Digital Photography by Scott Kelby is a very good book. </p>
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