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Image Pro website

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<p>Mine is also under construction. I had a good run at it at first but ran out of steam. Anyway, I am currently useing my <a href="http://jphotoarts.com">smugmug account</a> to show my work and to show clients thier finished galleries and sell prints. But I intend to use the image pro site to show my portfolio and then direct folk to the smugmug page if they are looking for a certain gallery.</p>

<p>Here is my <a href="http://imagepro.photography.com/jphotoarts">imagepro webpage</a> . I am still getting the sections worked out and whay images to place where. I have a good bit more to upload. I also need to finish the banner on the home page, my wife thinks it still needs work. Its my first run at a design like that. The biggest thing for me is adding the text, just not sure what to say and or how to say it. Right now I am just trying to work out what sections I need/want and get the images arranged.</p>


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