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Current state of Pocket Wizard Mini TT1 and Flex TT5?


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<p >Living outside North America I have been following with great interest via the internet the release and early comparisons of the Pocket Wizard Mini/Flex vs. the new RadioPopper PX/Junior. I have seen the Tricoast video review on YouTube and have read a lot here and elsewhere about the problems with the Pocket Wizards (interference from the 580 EX II’s own radio “noise”, effective range limited to 40 ft. with 580 EX II and 120 ft. with 430 EX II, need for expensive cables to get “the most” out of the unit, incompatibility with the 5D Mk II, no custom functions available on the 580 EX, frequent and unwanted 100% discharges which waste battery power and may lead to missing important photos ops, etc.)</p>

<p > </p>

<p >Now that I am visiting Canada, I have had the chance to stop by a local proshop and talk with them about both products. They stated that they have had no problems with the Pocket Wizards released in Canada, that they work according to spec and that people seemed pleased. They seemed to think that the Canadian PW release was delayed while all these issues were taking care of. My question is, “can anyone confirm this?” Have they actually solved all or most of the issues that plagued the early American releases and caused so much bad press? Do they actually work up to 1000ft. with full E-TTL? I couldn’t find anything online stating that the issues had been taking care of, but this may just be because bad news is far more sensational than good news. Those of you that have the new units, are you recommending them to others? Are there still any outstanding issues that need to be dealt with? What is the current situation with PW Flex and Mini: Buy? or Don’t Buy?</p>

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<p>@ Dan: Thanks. Sounds like they can't resolve the issue without hardware supplements and shielding etc. etc. etc. Too bad. They seemed like such a great idea. I guess they were just rushed to market.</p>
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<p>I believe that some of the recent updates helped, but it is too bad that they didn't get it resolved before it went to market. The reason why there's so much interference is because the 5DmkII and the 580EXII were both around before the Flex and Mini to give any indications that it would cause interference. The PW people wanted to make the Flex and Mini backward compatible with the PlusIIs and their previous triggers. The frequency they use is prone to the interference from the Canon gear.</p>

<p>It's a catch 22, if PW had changed frequencies then people would accuse them of trying to make their older stuff obsolete to buy new stuff. If they stick with the same freq. then they don't work well. More updates are coming from what I've read so it may still get ironed out. But it is kind of sad.</p>

<p>The fact that they don't have a Nikon trigger set out might mean they are running into the same problem there and are trying to iron things out there first. But this is pure conjecture on my part.</p>

<p>That Flickr group that I linked too has a few PW employees that frequent the board. I'd assume that you'd probably get better info if you asked things directly their first.</p>

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<p>to Dan, and sorry to interrupt the thread but I think this might be useful. Do you know if we use the II's or the Multimax on the 580EX, II, 430EX. Do they still affected by the interference by the same degree as the TT5 in term of reduced range?</p>

<p>Or are they more resistant to the RF emitted by these flashes?</p>

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  • 3 months later...
<p>Did anyone already tried the new AC5 Soft Shield or the AC7 RF Shield?<br /> It has been release in October but I don't know if any pocket wizard owners already tried and approve this fix.<br /> If anyone have already tried this solution offered by The MAC Group, PocketWizard’s U.S. Distributor, please let me know, I really want to purchase the new FlexTT5 and the MiniTT1-Canon but I know that the interference on Canon flashes is brutal.<br /> I use the 5dMKII and 3 580EX II.<br /> Thanks for your input.</p>
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