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POW, Sunday, July 12 2009

markus maurer

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<p>A busy week... both shots from the K10D with DA* 16-50mm.</p>

<p><a title="Golden Gate Bridge by Fnawzm, on Flickr" href=" Golden Gate Bridge src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2425/3712816983_21a52e0ed4.jpg" alt="Golden Gate Bridge" width="500" height="335" /></a><br>

<a title="HRC San Francisco by Fnawzm, on Flickr" href=" HRC San Francisco src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2450/3712816477_8a2a0d61e5.jpg" alt="HRC San Francisco" width="500" height="335" /></a></p>

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<p>Two shots from this morning. Both I think with FAJ 28-80. Pentax K200D; in camera monochromes, JPEG; adjusted in Aperture at centerlines. I had lain on the road to make these pictures as the runners ran past; the photos are tight crops, occupying less than 50% of my original image area. Conditions were temperate with steady rain. These people were running uphill on a highway (road closed) towards the sun as they passed me. </p>

<p>Pentax K200D; f/8, 1/250, ISO 400, zoom [as 135] 52mm [as 28mm DSLR] 35mm.</p><div>00TuqA-153865584.jpg.6a25a34a748b85f140e7c999a2b9e923.jpg</div>

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<p>My first bird in flight shot of an angry mama Mockingbird diving at me outside my apartment using a used Pentax SMC-F 35-105 f/4-5.6 from KEH. I never knew how hard it was to get birds flying this way in sharp focus until I encountered this mother Mockingbird. Trashed quite a few in this series because I just wasn't quick enough with the right focal length and focusing. Most just ended up too blurry to salvage in pp.</p>
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<p>Wonderful dragons Markus--very effective use of the moon!<br>

That's such a nice portrait of your dad, Ronny--what a wonderful face and stance!<br>

I'm disappointed, Andrew--you let a little ol bear distract you from fishing <em>and</em> didn't get a photo?! ;~) I like the cubs especially (I'd probably have cropped even more though--but then I'm rather a butcher.)<br>

Terrific light in Camboose Shanty, Sigmar!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Camus Wyatt: Great shot of the dragonfly. Whatever you did, it ends up looking like you did this in a studio. Very cool.</p>

<p>Dorus Oshiva: brave new world nr# is very nice. I like how it drags you away from the subject, to the subject.</p>

<p>George C.: Very surreal shot. Great light, excellent contrast between the still subject and the moving background.</p>

<p>Haig Tchamitch: Liberty is a very cool abstract shot.</p>

<p>As usual, a lot of great shots here. I can't say mine are great, but the subjects were.</p>

<p>These are walls covered in professional graffiti. Very cool stuff.</p>

<p> </p><div>00Tv1y-153993584.jpg.5b52cf338bab90b926a7fc119d0a7b34.jpg</div>

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<p>A month ago, I posted a question asking <a href="00TeIt">which are the best full frame zooms (for Pentax K Mount)?</a> Thank you to everyone who gave great advice and input. I considered everything you said and went with the Pentax-M 1:4.5 80~200mm. Here are a couple of the first results from the Mount Dora 4th of July Parade. Both shot on Kodak Gold 200 with the zoom mounted on a K2.</p>


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<p>Steve, your shots look great and are properly exposed going by the saturation levels of the artwork captured in shade. The RGB readouts in the brick wall are a bit over mid gray which is approximately where they should be with this kind of lighting. It looks dark because your eyes haven't adjusted for the white surround of this web page.</p>

<p>View the the image with a much darker surround than mid gray and it will look normal. Remember the brightness of 255,255,255 white of your display is for rendering spectrals and bright sunlight lighting white objects while maintaining subtle shadow detail. Shade should be half of that light which your image fits within. Your image has to look darker against the bright white of your display to fit within the dynamic range of your display which is very narrow compared to reality.</p>

<p>But maybe you could go an extra 1/3 EV brighter without affecting saturation. It's your call.</p>

<p> </p>

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Bird watchers on the boardwalk at Bois de l'Ile Bizard. 16-45mm, pano-stiched in PS.



<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/manualcrank/3715796258/" title="panorama Bois de I'Ile Bizard by manual crank, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3474/3715796258_2b97ab648b_b.jpg" width="1024" height="444" alt="panorama Bois de I'Ile Bizard" /></a>


If you find a lens hood in the swamp, I want it back.

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