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Novice in sport photography seeking tips..


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<p>Hi Folks,<br>

I am here again knocking at the knowledge doors of photo.net. I come here when i have a challenge upfront.</p>

<p>I am in UK and and I am going to renault world series car race this weekend. I have never watched a motorsport even on tele before :)..I haven't tried much of action photography. I have canon 400d with kit lens, 50 mm 1.8 and 55-250 IS. I think i could only use 55-250 as i would be shooting from the stands and i am not even how far that would be enough. Its not one of the fast focussing lens..and my camera produces a lot of noise anything over 400.</p>

<p> So what mode and what settings should i use given the restrictions i have on equipment. Please advice me.</p>



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<p>That's quite a tough ask.<br>

Probably the best thing to do is to see what interests you when you get there and if you can move about try to find somewhere wher you think it looks most intersting. Once there, experiment and shoot what you can.</p>

<p>My 2p.<br>


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<p>Ask for a media pass. I have asked for lots and have rarely been turned down. The worst they can say is no. <br>

Also visualize what kind of shots you want and practice ahead of time with regular street traffic. Let your desired shutter speed dictate the rest of the camera settings. Start at somewhere around 1/800 sec and f/5.6 and see what ISO gets you good exposure. If it isn't enough, try seeting up in Tv at 1/800 (which will essentially set you aperture to wide open) and increase your exposure compensation a bit and then see what you get.</p>

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