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32 or 64 bit processor for vista laptop

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<p><em>32 or 64 bit processor... </em></p>

<p>Do you mean operating system, 32 or 64-bit operating sytem? I don't think you can buy a 32-bit cpu anymore? Regardelss, it's 64 all the way. But I'd give Microsoft an email address and down load Windows 7 RC 64-bit and order your laptop with Ubuntu. Then I'd install Windows7 RC over Ubuntu.</p>

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<p>Since Lightroom uses multiple processors well, I'd look for the maximum number of processors (are there quad-core laptops?), then the maximum clock rate, and then think about whether to run 32 or 64 bits. (In classic Comp. Sci. theory (I got out of the business in '89), 32 or 64 bits shouldn't make a difference for the size of files and working sets involved in running LR for up to 24MP images. In real life, there may be differences not predicted by theory[g].)</p>

<p>I only buy PCs that have the OS I want pre-installed. Just loading the applications and setting things up takes long enough, thank you. So I have lots of respect for folks with the energy to futz with OSes. But Garrison's right: Windows 7 is widely seen as fixing the problems with Vista. I used Vista as an excuse to upgrade a bit earlier than I would have (while XP was still an option) and will stick with this XP machine until Windows 7 has been released and settled down. Not much help for people who need a machine now...</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>You are probably already aware of this but just in case you aren't, Microsoft says anyone buying a computer between now and the time Win 7 is released will get a free or low cost upgrade to a similar version of Windows 7. The 'low cost' amount was given as perhaps up to $15 to cover shipping and handling from some vendors but Microsoft will give the new OS at no charge. With that in mind I would look for a computer with as much memory as you can afford and a 64 bit version of Windows Vista. If you want to get a head start using Windows 7 you can always install the Beta version of Window 7 over the Windows Vista until the actual release product comes out. You might want to take an 'Image File' of your Windows Vista setup to simplify restoring it if you aren't happy with Windows 7 for some reason.</p>
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<p>Taking an Image file = good idea = clonezilla for example if you want a free program.<br>

Any new notebook should be fast enough *processor wise* for your requirements as long as it has 2 GB Ram or more and a real graphicscard. The harddisk and video card are todays bottlenecks in notebooks and as OS XP would be faster than Vista.</p>

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"Any new notebook should be fast enough *processor wise* for your requirements"


I wonder. For Lightroom working on 5D2 files, I moved from a 3Ghz single core to a 3 GHz dual core (both desktops), and Lightroom went from painfully slow to acceptable. For the way I work, the painful thing about LR is the time it takes to switch to another image, and that's largely processor time. Disk speed is certainly an issue for importing and exporting, but I find that I don't mind those waits, whereas I do mind not being able to switch back and forth between images to compare them. YMMV, of course.

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<p>David, I agree that switching RAW images in lightroom is slow but I answered with Pauls priority list in mind. For the price difference of the fastest processor to a slightly slower one he could buy some external usb hd drives for backups. If he is a photographer using lightroom daily I would not consider a notebook as main machine but a desktop with the best and biggest monitor I could afford or even two monitors :-)</p>
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<p>Before switching to a 64 bit operating system, make sure your major applications are compatible. There have been issues with some Adobe products. The major advantage of 64-bit operation is the ability to use much more RAM with that O/S. Unfortunately, Photoshop will not recognize more than 3GB regardless.</p>
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<p>Edard is right, make sure you don'q have any really old peripherals that there is no Visa 64 driver for. You should be alright as Vista 64 pretty much runs everything. Great emulation (run in 32-bit if need be) in my experience. The world is, slowly, going to be 64-bit anyways.</p>

<p><em>The major advantage of 64-bit operation is the ability to use much more RAM with that O/S.</em></p>

<p>The other advantage with a 64-bit system, even with 32-bit applications, is that a 64-bit computer will be faster than a 32-bit computer when both the 32 and 64-bit computers have the same amount of ram installed and running the same 32-bit application.</p>

<p><em>Unfortunately, Photoshop will not recognize more than 3GB regardless.</em></p>

<p>This is Mac only. Windows 64-bit OS users running CS4 have a 64-bit option and can use as much ram as there is installed.</p>

<p>I'm running the Windows 7 Release Candidtate (Beta is dead, wont run) in both 32-bit and 64-bit. It's perhaps the best OS from MS yet. I loaded it onto an old P3 with 256 meg of ram just for laughs. Easiest install I've ever done. Fast and stable. The 64-bit version replaced my Vista 64 and I run CS4 on it.</p>

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