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Why won't my 5D2 videos play on Quicktime player


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<p>I have a hi-def .mov movie from a 5D2 that plays back fine on-camera, but in the latest free version of Quicktime on a PC it does not play well. I can get the audio, but the video is just a huge mess of green/violet pixels, and the playback screen is about ten times bigger than my monitor. I must be missing something simple. Any ideas? Thanks.</p>
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<p>Try re-sizing the video by selecting either Fit to Screen or Half Size from the QuickTime drop-down View menu. That alone may not be your problem though. I selected Double Size to see if a 5D2 video would pixelate and it did not; the result was similar to 100% magnification. Is your QuickTime Player the latest version? Does your computer meet or exceed the minimum specifications for 5D2 files?</p>

<p>You can also playback 5D2 video using the current version of Canon's ImageBrowser. Try that to help narrow-down where the problem is; a corrupt video file, out-of-spec computer, or ?</p>

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<p>Full frame 1080 video requires a very fast processor (quad core or seperate video card). The usual failure though is the sound not being in synch with the video. I find that the minimum pc spec needed is much higher than most people have so if you put video clips on a DVD and pass them out most people complain. If you plan to share video go for lower resolution.</p>
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