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PHOTO.NET, is it slowing you down?

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<p>Hi, I notice that everytime I visit photo.net, my browser firefox slows down a lot. For example, when I click to pull down the address bar it lags about 10 seconds, same with other operations like clicking most visited tab. The site is also slower for me. Now I now some of you might think its my internent connection, firefow maintenance problem or spyware. But No, just ran a speed test, my internet is 5mb/min download and 1mbps upload. When I visit other websited everything is back to normal including watching HD stream movies from netflix lighting fast. Any one else with same experience?</p>
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<p>I've been on photo.net on 2 different machines on different networks using both IE7 and Firefox last night and this morning. I have not experienced any abnormal slowness\delays. Have you done any recent updates to Java or Flashplayer? I've had more poor browsing experiences from bad installs of Flash player than I have from any website problems.</p>
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