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fast, small, flexible light meter

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<p>I've just invested in a Bronica SQ-Ai and I'm now looking for a lightmeter to use with it.</p>

<p>I'm looking for something small (I really don't want to add any size or weight to the bulk of carrying the Bronica & a tripod!) that I can use quickly for street shooting. I was looking at the Sekonic L-308S, but I've just noticed it's shutter-priority only. I'd prefer to have something that either has an aperture priority mode or is an analogue meter so I can make my own choice over the shutter speed or aperture that's most approriate.</p>

<p>Can anyone suggest a light meter that fits this bill?</p>

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<p>I'd pipe up for the Sekonic 308 but as you note it does not have aperture priority. Although... you can tak a reading and goose the shutter speed until your preferred aperture comes up.</p>

<p>I shoot almost entirely in A mode but when I want to have the benefit of a light meter I prefer shutter priority because my fim cameras (three F-4s) do not all intermediate shutter speeds in manual mode, while intermediate f/stops are easy.</p>

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<p>I just did a bunch of research on this. If you do low light work, a used Gossen Luna Pro SBC may be what you're looking for. If low light isn't so important, a used Luna Pro F may fit the bill. Both are analog and take a 9v battery. A good condition SBC should be about $80, and the F quite a bit lower. I haven't actually used either, but just bought an SBC.<br>

I was considering a Digisix, but read that you have to hit buttons to scroll through the equivalent exposures. The analog meters give them all to you at once, which just seems like it would be faster to me.</p>

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