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Basket ball pictures


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<p>Tomorrow, we'll have a charity basket ball tournament at work in a church gymnasium. To help raise money, I'd like to make some nice photos of the people playing. Having never shot indoor sports before (also not to experienced in outdoor sports as well), I would like to have some info about sports shooting.<br>

I have a Canon 30D, a couple of primes (28 f/1.8, 50 f/1.4, 85 f/1.8, 100 f/2.8macro) and zooms (12-24 f/4, 70-200 f/4L, 70-300 f/3.5-5.6IS).<br>

Which lenses would be the ones to use to get full body coverage on a basketball field (see my ineptness with the sport - I don't even know the size of the field :-))<br>

I usually shoot in aperture priority mode - is that the right one or do I need to switch to shutter priority to ensure motion freeze?<br>

Any indication on the ISO speed to use? I generally do like to go over 800.<br>

Thanks,<br />Rob</p>

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<p>I think your 28, 50, and 85mm pimes will probably be your best friends, there, depending on from where you're allowed to shoot. My guess is that the lighting will be terrible, so it comes down to wide open lenses (and razor-thin depth of field!) and high ISO (you may need to break down and shoot at ISO 1600). I'd go aperture priority, and just let the shutter get as fast as it can.<br /><br />Do you have a strobe? </p>
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<p>Looks like Mattt said it all!<br>

Your zooms are too 'slow' for indoors, unfortunately. they need to be of the f2.8 variety to get fast enough shutter speeds for indoor sports action.<br>

Good luck with your shoot.</p>



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