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M4-2 question

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Oops. I just noticed that you said "front side" - I had (*blush*) to look at the camera. The right front says "Leica" in block letters on one side of the RF window. On the other side, it says "M4-2", and on the top it has the <i>Leitz</i> script.


All stamped.



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I suspect that you will find that the M4-2 series is engraved.I had four of them several years ago, and they were engraved. 'Cheapened' or not, they were great cameras. I have to say though that the early rangefinders were lousy. Two of mine ended up with M4 finders as replacements because of the problems they had.















The M4-P is when (as far as I am aware) the change took place. I have two of the latter, and one is engraved, the other is stamped. (154**** for the engraved, and 160**** for the stamped). The difference is not subtle,you can feel the difference, and once you are aware of it, it is blatently obvious, but it has no bearing on the function of the camera.

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The Canadian (M4-2/M4-P) cameras (I have one of each) are generally engraved with "Leitz" in script on the TOP of the top plate (above the viewfinder window) - it's clearly larger and heavier than the "Leica" engraving on screw-mounts and M2/3/4s, but the edges look too knife-edge sharp to be stamping.


The -2/Ps are also engraved with LEICA M4-(whatever) on the front, just like the M6 - except that, because there is no red dot, Leica could fit everything on one line all the way across the front.


My M4-2 takes noticeably 'cheapen' pictures, too. You can see the difference on the light box!


Not! 8^)

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Mine is 1505xxx and is stamped Leica in front, Leitz in bold script on the top, and Canada on the back. This is definately STAMPing not ENGRAVing.


As far as the M4-2 being cheapened... essentially the same as the M4-P, and M6/M6TTL(except meter of course). Same gearing, winding, shutter, clutch etc. I think you'll find that M4-2's are good cameras poorly made (by Leica standards). Once gone through, they should be essentially the same as the newer cameras. FWIW, my M4-2 is smoother, quieter and nicer to shoot than my M6TTL. Both cameras I got used, but essentially unused, so the wear factor on each is nil. The difference is that the M4-2 sat in a dwawer for 30 odd years, and got a going through by Sherry. Makes all the difference in the world.

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