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Looking for a p&s that will do good close-ups, under $150

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<p>I have a friend that makes cards with stamping. She sells them on the internet, so is looking for something that has good close-up. Right now, she has a low-end Kodak, but says the close-up isn't that great. Megapixel is no issue. She doesn't print anything large.<br>

Right now, I am into DSLR's, and not up to date on the small guys. Doesn't not have to be a small compact. Doesn't matter.<br>


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<p>I suggest you tell her to go to her local discount store or drugstore and get herself a pair of two dioptre reading glasses/ hobby glasses and they will enable her to get closer to the 'stamp'. The pair of 2 dioptre equals 4 dioptre and coupled with the focusing of her existing camera should enable her to get close enough for the job. If she needs toi get closer then she could buy a pair of 3.25 dioptre or maybe the store will have stronger .... the only problem with the stronger glass is some distortion. I run to a x12 zoom camera and the 4 dioptre gives me a subject 19mm across [ 3/4inch ] filling the sensor area ... the close-up lens permits one to use the narrower angle of view at telephoto setting closer than the camera will normally focus. A small but good tabletop tripod could also help her so that she can use the delay release to press the trigger and leave the camera alone while it takes the shot, avoiding camera shake which easilly spoils shots. The two items suggested will cost much less than another camera and work just as well or better for her limited requirements. </p>
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<p>The Canon A590 has fairly average macro, so I'm puzzled by that recommendation. Flatbed scanner seems like a good idea but takes up lots of space. The standard answer in your friend's price range would be an old Nikon Coolpix, even as far back as the 900 series. A used 950 should be under $99.</p>
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<p>The standard answer in your friend's price range would be an old Nikon Coolpix, even as far back as the 900 series. A used 950 should be under $99. Exactly. I'd go for the Coolpix 995-I don't think Nikon has to this day come up with anything better in compact digitals. I see physicians still use it for clinical photos. One of the reasons why this camera is so good for close-up work is that the flash will throttle down well to avoid overexposing the image. The only camera I have seen come close is the Kodak V550. Good luck. Also, even if you light these items well so flash is not used, the Coolpix 990/995 is a great choice. Also has an electronic version of "ground glass" viewing in the M mode.</p>
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