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Buying a Nikon D80 today

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<p>For some time I'm looking for a good reflex camera. The Nikon cameras seem for me the best choice, as when I hold them they feel like they are an extension of my hands, nice to work with.<br /> To cut a long story short: the Carrefour-shop at my place has a Nikon D80 on offer for € 649 (with kit lens). The same price of a D60. The D80 is a now 'older' system, but one level higher than the D60-line (lcd, two wheels, etc..)<br /> Do you guys think it would be wise to buy a now two year old (but new) camera from a higher level, instead of buying a 'lighter' but more recent camera? I think it's a nice chance to get a superb camera for an ok price... (as the D90 goes more than 1000 euro)...<br /> Just to know your opinions on this...</p>



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<p>D80 vs D60 --> D80, no question. D60 may have a bit better in-camera jpg processing and little tricks but that's about it.</p>

<p>D80 vs D5000, well, that's more tricky one. How much do you use ISO 800 and above?</p>

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<p>koen, i think you made the right choice. the d5000 is a d40 with more MP and a lot of other bells and whistles but limited overall functionality. i'd take two control wheels over a tilt-screen LCD any day. it's fairly clean at iso 800, though the d5000 might be better at 1600.</p>
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<p>LOL, you guys're funny.<br>

A bit of bad news form me though, as I've discovered two 'stuck' pixels. Hope they can repear it quick. I've the camera only for a couple of days and wouldn't like to miss it for months...<br>

Apart from that: feels superb to work with, and very happy with the result (apart from the stuck pixels).</p>

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