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Nikon D60 software


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<p>Armen.... No, the camera does not come with a photo editing program. You can do basic printing with ViewNX, but you'll need something like Photoshop Elements at least. A $25 copy of Photoshop Elements 5.0 from 'the auction site' will serve you fine in the beginning if budget matters.</p>

<p>Download and use Transfer and ViewNX, too, though. ViewNX gives you basic control over the advanced NEF format when you get there in your learning curve, and in the meantime is a great sorting and naming program.</p>

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<p>Granted I probably haven't spent enough time to learn it, but I haven't used ViewNX. I use Picasa3, which I think is a fantastic and intuitive piece of software, for my viewing, sorting, and organization. For editing, I've got (depending on how complicated I want to get) Paint.NET, the GIMP, and I recently picked up PS CS3 (though still fumbling around with it, I got it for ACR).<br>

A cursory Google search seems to indicate you can do basic editing with ViewNX, though:<br>

<a href="http://www.earthboundlight.com/phototips/nikon-view-nx.html">http://www.earthboundlight.com/phototips/nikon-view-nx.html</a></p>

<p>I suppose you could use ViewNX to convert your NEFs to TIFFs and edit those in GIMP, if you don't want to buy an Adobe product. Unfortunately, (as far as I've been able to figure out) GIMP only does 8-bit color so you'll lose the real benefit of raw files.</p>


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