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Javier's K1000 -- the tour continues!

r.t. dowling

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<p>Yeah, I'm not sure if there are that many people (in the U.S. and Canada, anyway) who would want to get on board... and with that many people, the camera would very likely be on the road for a year or more, and I'm not sure if Javier wants to be without it for <em>that </em> long!</p>

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<p>I would really like it if that 28mm was on it (the spottie)... but that's just me. I have the 55mm and yes it's nice for indoors, but really at that low apertures it's quite soft (at least on mine, on the k10d). I think f3.5 should be sufficient for majority of shots...<br>

I'll say this, if its the 55mm on it, then I'm out. If the 28mm is on it, then I'm in.</p>

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<p>"OK. So, does this list exist somewhere, and/or can those people who were on the list please speak up now? I need to know where I'm sending the camera after I'm finished with it."</p>


<p>Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?</p>

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Here's the answer: <a href="http://www.photo.net/pentax-camera-forum/00RsdW">http://www.photo.net/pentax-camera-forum/00RsdW</a> <br>

The camera has travelled thus far to you, a couple of canadians, me, andy G, Mis, Justin, Somanna, and someone else who's name escapes me from NC area. - So, you're missing from the list, the M&Ms, Haig, and a few of those central/western folks. <br>

I'd probably suggest to send it to contact the M&Ms next - since I think they're the closest ones to new england (list wise) that haven't seen the camera yet.<br>

feel free to email me off-line if you need more info/chatter. Since this thread is further down now, it tends to become overlooked. </p>

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<p>I took my first shot with the K1000 yesterday. It was fun. Having only two possible shots really made it interesting and challenging. I've been shooting digital exclusively for the past couple of years, and despite my previous years of shooting film, I have definitely contracted "digital syndrome" -- the habit of taking lots of shots and weeding out the "bad" ones later on. So, yesterday I forced myself to spend a <em><strong>lot</strong> </em> of time trying to find an interesting shot and trying to make the composition perfect... but sure enough, right after I took that shot, I walked a few feet away and discovered a different composition that would have been nicer. D'oh! I guess I'll be even more careful with my next (and final) K1000 shot. :-)</p>
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<p>RT, you're wise to take them slowly - for me - I couldn't help myself - I took them both in quick succession, and am very sure that there would have been much better topics out there if I'd just slowed down and reasoned it out more.</p>

<p>I've been kicking around an idea for another traveling camera program but am deciding on the camera, wanting to put a roll of film through whichever one - and make sure everything works fine prior to sending one on the road. With the past month of mostly rain - it's not been conducive to carrying around a camera, when the bag is already heavy enough toting around the umbrella.<br>

I'm considering either one of the spotties, or the pz1. I've been using the Pz1 this week, and it's a real pleasure of a camera. (but what a crazy loud shutter!) ... I'm wondering if the meters work on the spotties, but haven't made the effort to pull them out of my bottom drawer to look at them ...</p>

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<p>Maria wrote: although we hadn't thought about how strange it would be to see a pair of large candies carrying around a camera before.....</p>


<p>So who is Red and who is Yellow? Don't tell me...Mike is Yellow :-)</p>


<p>John OK-O wrote: I'm familiar with film cameras.</p>


<p>Am I the only one that let out a <em>HAH!</em> when they read this? John, I think we all know you're familiar with film cameras, both inside and out :-)</p>

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<p>When did Matt become a Mike? :) Mis - you're not old enough to mix up names (yet). Matt wouldn't be a yellow M&M - I think he'd be a green one. Yes. Maria fits quite well as a Red M&M. I can well imagine she's got quite the fiery temper, that one. :) So don't get her riled any.<br>

John hasn't swallowed any cameras (yet) at least I hope he hasnt - nor does he have any chemical ingredients hanging out in his belly that would process film either - so don't ask him to swallow any or expect to see vivid pictures after doing so. ;) (Strange how I never pictured him as a hillbilly....) <br>

@John - are you related to those blue collar comedians? ... they're the only people I'm reminded of when I think of the term 'southerner'... They're pretty humorous... :)<br>

Where is the falklands... it sounds perty far out there... uh... it's an island, right? ... Without doing a google search... I'm thinking it must be near Canada. :D (I'm showing my idiot side - definitely time to leave work and hope for a pain-less commute.)</p>


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<p>Yes, I know exactly what you mean... I'm thinking it's time to hire a housekeeper - one day every couple of weeks to vacuum and dust would be a complete blessing... <br>

It might also convince me to get those dishes out of my sink before she arrives... (I don't want to appear to incompetent, eh?) :)<br>

this is reminding me to talk to my downstairs neighbor again... and get Veronica's number...<br>

I HATE housework. </p>

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<p>SLOW IT DOWN!!!!!! Us fat n preggo's over here can't keep up!!!</p>

<p>As for Matt being green - I can promise you firmly, he's never going to be caught dead in the white go-go boots the green wears. Red for temper def matches me.... but I think I qualify as the yellow right now, carrying around an extra 22 lbs for a little longer...</p>

<p>Yes, I can chime in w/ the Spotmatic meter needle working in "real time". YES, it does. All you have to do it turn the switch on & you're in DOF preview. I was going to say, I never had to turn it back on after each shot, but Matt tells me a lot of them gummed up & stuck to "on" - ours is obviously one of those.</p>

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<p>... maybe you'll convince RT ... but, free rent or not, I'm an eastern girl at heart - I can't see myself wearing red heels and thinking Kansas as home. :) <br>

I do sympathize, Maria, ... Besides convincing Matt to carry you around from room to room, and having him stop to pick up things... I don't know how we'll much be able to help you otherwise. I do like the image of him carrying you from room to room. Seems if you're carrying those 22 lbs for him... he kinda' owes you some carrying time... :D<br>

Are there any maid services in that part of the country? ... a couple of hours a week - about $40 or so, could be a good way to catch up on the harder jobs, like floor washing and bathrooms... and, you could always bribe the girls with help me dusting and we'll bake cookies :) (children are really easy to bribe if there's a cool project to entertain them at the end of it.)</p>

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<p>I concur with the idea about taking time for each shot. I grew up on the K1000. It would have survived a nuclear blast. I distinctly remember dropping my K1000 on the ground. Quite a few times. And nothing ever happened to it.</p>

<p>I sold that camera on Ebay for $95. After I bought my K10D, I figured I would never need it again. I also sold a ME Super I bought shortly before I got the K10D.</p>

<p>I wish I would have never sold those two cameras, but I did.</p>

<p>I read Justin's post about the 645. It kind of got me juiced about MF film. And Pentax gave no quarter to anyone in the larger format cameras.</p>

<p>If I had more patience, and money, I would already have a 645 or a 6X7 camera.</p>

<p>Ever held a 6X7 in your hands? It's like a K1000 that never stopped growing.</p>

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<p>Steve, I keep buying cameras - instead of selling them... I haven't bought any Pentax medium format yet - but, I admit that some of the sales listings I've seen on them are REALLY tempting. Only thing I'm resisting, there - is knowing that once I buy another system it's more lenses I'll have to drool over... :)</p>

<p>I do have a 6x7 - an old mamiya rb67 - It's so HEAVY - that I haven't finished a roll on it yet. It's just too much effort to carry it down 3 flights of stairs, to take it anywhere with me... </p>

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<p>Unless there are any others who wish to sign up, it looks like the K1000's next stop will be John O'Keefe-Odom in TN, followed by the M&Ms in KS. Is Haig still interested? He would be the next logical stop in Arizona... and then, if there's nobody else, it would go back to Javier in CA.</p>

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