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EOS 5D(original) and EOS utility ver 2.5 problems

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<p>Hi, I recently purchased a 5dmkII and installed the SF that came with it including DPP ver 3.5 and EOS utility 2.5. I also got a used 5D original that when I connect to download images to my PC with utility it opens up version 2.0.1, I guess that is from when I installed the disc that came with my 30D or 40D, IDK but I thought the newer version replaced the old because in my programs tab the newer version substitute the old ones. Maybe I should have unistalled ea fisrt before installing the newer versions. Well, anyone know how I can get the 5D to open up with the latest version on my computer? The latest version works just fine with 30D, 40D and 5DmkII. Thanks</p>
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<p>You will need to go to canon website and download the update for the software its sort of like a patch, it brings what ever software you have installed up to date, I have two different versions myself and unless i do a update only the oldest software installed will work properly, your situation may be different, Hope this will help.</p>
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<p>Hmm, I use a 5D with the latest DPP 3.6x and EOS Utility with no problems whatsoever. If your old apps were installed in different folders the installer won't delete them. You can always toss them by dragging to the can (at least on a Mac you can).</p>

<p>You should buy a CF card reader. It's a lot faster and these sorts of mixups won't matter.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>If you are using Windows XP load the WIA Driver 5.7.0 for Windows XP<br>

<a href="http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&tabact=SupportDetailTabAct&fcategoryid=215&modelid=11933#DownloadDetailAct">http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&tabact=SupportDetailTabAct&fcategoryid=215&modelid=11933#DownloadDetailAct</a><br>

set OS pulldown to "Windows XP"<br>

The driver allows Windows XP to see the camera when connected to USB</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Vista uses this driver<br>

EOS USB WIA Driver 6.0.0 for Windows Vista <a href="javascript:gotoDetail('0900019301EN', 'VU600EN.exe')">VU600EN.exe</a><br>



Only Vista 64bit is an issue - there is no 64bit driver. You have to use a card reader.</p>

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<p>Vista uses this driver<br>

EOS USB WIA Driver 6.0.0 for Windows Vista <a href="javascript:gotoDetail('0900019301EN', 'VU600EN.exe')">VU600EN.exe</a><br>




Only Vista 64bit is an issue - there is no 64bit driver. You have to use a card reader.</p>

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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>Hi Enrique - good luck with sorting your canon 5d Mk II problems. My 5d Mk I worked perfectly on my Tosh X200 Satellite laptop under an earlier version of Vista Ultimate (as I USED TO shoot teathered and also transferred through Canon Utilities direct to my external drives) for about 18 months! However after the Vista updates earlier this year - and currently also - Vista recognises the 5D but fails to find the camera drivers and says "Install Failed" - been tearing my hair out ever since (what little is now left of it, that is)! Consequently the only laptop interface I now have for my camera is my trusty old card reader - but hellishingly too slow for my work and totally inconvenient as I can't shoot teathered anymore! <br>

The might of Microsoft and Canon Australia could not and have not been able to resolve this situation - either one blaming the other for the problem! Initially Canon Australia ignored my pleas for help but after I spat the dummy and went to the top threatening to state my saga all over the internet if I didn't get some semblance of an interested help in resolving this issue - they are now revisiting the problem but the last I heard from them after getting prompt action to my complaint was two weeks ago - I won't hold my breath in the mean time, though!<br>

I know I can't be of any further help for you at this point but at least it should give you solace by knowing you are not alone in the wilderness! <br>

Until I saw your post I believed I was the sole person alone in the wilderness with this problem - now we share a commonality - The EXPERTS (as above) say - GEE WE HAVENT SEEN THAT PROBLEM or THAT IT HAS TO BE A GLITCH IN YOUR LAPTOP?<br>

If I find any solutions I will certainly pass them along via this medium - trust you OR ANYONE ELSE IN THE SAME BOAT will do same?<br>

One last thing - DO NOT REFORMAT YOUR HARD DRIVE AND DON'T DO A COMPLETE REINSTALL - been their and done that - didn't change a thing! The problem lies in Vista Driver(?) Incompatibility - possibly also some quirky interaction with Toshiba architecture and Vista, as well?<br>

I have seen a Canon 5D USB WIA Driver "6.0.0a" purported to be for Vista released early this year but have not been able to confirm the Vista applicability - can't get to the download either because each one leads you to DiskScanner (or similar) Install first and you don't get to d/load the driver otherwise? Anyone got any help here?<br>

I have some issues with my GeForce 8600M GT SLI cards also but that is another story and an issue for Toshiba?<br>

regards, IanB</p>

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