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Photo equipment insurance

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<p>I need photo equipment and laptop insurance that is seperate from my renters since I run this as a business. Does anyone know of a reasonable priced<br>

Insurance policy I can purchase. Please give me give on firm that deal with this type of insurance not floaters or riders. Already had that but will not insure for <br>

commercial. What firms offer the best rates? Please post?</p>

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<p>Marc -- If you sign up as a paid member of Photo.net, you can buy equipment coverage through its relationship with a broker (Willis). Similarly, if you join PPA, you can buy insurance through a relationship they've set up. </p>

<p>This is a separate policy (I believe commercial inland marine) that covers equipment used professionally. I have the photo.net coverage; it's $10 per $1000 of value, with a minimum premium of $150 for $15,000 worth of equipment. There's a $250 deductible. You can also buy liability insurance, if you need it. Through Photo.net, the liability is separate; you don't have to buy both. Details:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.photo.net/info/photo_insurance_specs.pdf">http://www.photo.net/info/photo_insurance_specs.pdf</a></p>

<p>Insurance through this type of "affinity group" relationship is likely to be cheaper than trying to buy a commercial policy on your own.</p>

<p>Have you talked with the agent/company from whom you get your renters insurance? Independent agents usually have relationships with multiple insurers, and might have one that offers an equipment only policy. Similarly, if the company your renters policy is with offers business insurance, you might be able to get coverage through them. Not necessarily though: we have USAA as our personal insurance company, and they have no options for equipment used professionally.</p>

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<p>Here's what the summary sheet says:</p>

<p>1. "Coverage is for videography and photography equipment and related accessories"</p>

<p>2. "You may insure office equipment and office furniture at the same rate"</p>

<p>Availability of coverage for the computer depends on whether it is considered a "related accessory" or "office equipment" by Willis and the insurer (I can't remember who the insurance company is). I'd get in touch with Willis directly (Phone: 610-260-4360; E-mail: <a href="mailto:einsurance@willis.com">einsurance@willis</a> or <a href="mailto:dale.wittick@willis.com">dale.wittick@willis.com</a>) to find out.</p>

<p>If it's "no" on the computer through the photo.net program, you might get some help from your renters company. My homeowners policy doesn't allow professional use of camera equipment, but there's no similar exclusion of business use of a computer. So our computers are covered under our HO policy, rather than under the camera policy.</p>

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