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AWhich model of Polaroid is compatible w/ Fuji Film?

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<p>I'm a student who would like to get polaroid. I had 2 Polaroid 600 but I heard that none of the Fuji fit into it. So are there any model of Polaroid are able to work w/Fuji film. Is it pack or integral film? What would be the affordable model and film for me?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

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I don't use a Polaroid camera, but a friend just asked me a similar question recently. I found this wonderful website which had lots

of relevant information: <a

href="http://www.rwhirled.com/landlist/landdcam.htm">http://www.rwhirled.com/landlist/landdcam.htm</a>. I think what you'll find

is that only cameras that take pack film (80- and 100-series) will take the Fuji instant film. I might be wrong on that, though; please

mention if you've found different.

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<p>Get any Polaroid Pack film camera from the 60s-70-s and use the Fuji Pack film.... Just don't get the square format cameras.. no film for them... the Intrigal pack like SX-70 and 600 are almost gone... Though if you want that type get a MIO or the instax 200 film for them is still made but I have to get mine from Hong Kong...</p>
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<p>Bear in mind that there are some issues with pressure on the Fuji catridges. I shoot with two Polaroid pack film cameras, a 100 and a 350, and both had problems with pressure on the cartridge causing tab tearing, pictures that wouldn't pull through, two or three pictures pulling through at a time, etc. Then I learned the bobby pin trick -- using two small bobby pins to hold back the pressure flanges inside the camera's back door. There are various theories about this, but it seems to work. There are probably more than a few posts about various Fuji-Polaroid fixes.</p>
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<p>There are also problems because these cameras are very old and take specialized batteries. If you buy an packfilm camera, the battery from the 1960's or 1970's is most certainly dead and possibly causing all kinds of green corrision in the batter chamber. To learn more, use the search feature on this website... there are DOZENS of posts about this issue, many of them just in the last year due to the closing of Polaroid.</p>
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<p>Check this page for battery types for each Polaroid pack film camera:<br>

<a href="http://polaroids.theskeltons.org/camerachart.htm">http://polaroids.theskeltons.org/camerachart.htm</a><br>

I got batteries for my Polaroid pack filmers here:<br>

<a href="http://www.batteriesinaflash.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=245">http://www.batteriesinaflash.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=245</a><br>

Prices were good and delivery prompt.</p>

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