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Nikon D40, NEF files, and EXIF data issues


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Im having an issue with my D40. It's nothing serious, but it kinda bugs me. I tend to shoot RAW, and process the pics with Photoshop 7 (and the plug in to let me use the NEW files). The little quirk (to me at least), is that the RAW files or the resultant JPG's from playing with them never show any of the EXIF data. However, if I shoot straight JPG, it shows me all the EXIF data (under the pic's properties, or in the PS menu selection of File Info). Now, is there any reason that EXIF data wouldn't show up with either the RAW pics or the modified JPGs?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

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<p>I've not exactly the same problem than you, but my solution to it might suit you as well.</p>

<p>My situation: I have a Canon 5D, and when I process the raw files (cr2-files in canon land), the resulting jpg-files do contain an exif-header, but a cartain part of it (the makernotes) are missing.</p>

<p>My solution: I shot raw + the smallest jpg-file that can be set in camera (such a file is usually arround 500Kb per image). When I am done with processing the raw-file, I transfer the complete exif-header from the associated small jpg-file to the large jpg-result (of the raw conversion). I use "jhead" for this, but you could also do that with other tools (like "exiftool" or "exifer").</p>

<p>With jhead ... this commandline transfers an exifheader: "jhead -te fromhere.jpg tohere.jpg"<br>

The only drawback of this is, that the small embedded preview image still is the original preview image (from the camera), while the main image itself might have been cropped in postprocessing. One could rebuild the previewimages as well, but I do not bother with that. I'm happy to have the complete and intact exifheader at the result file.</p>

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<p>Juan.... Do your conversion with Nikon ViewNX (free) or Nikon CaptureNX (fee), and all the data will be preserved. For the "serious" shots, process the NEF to a TIFF in one of the Nikon programs, then open the TIFF in PS7.</p>
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