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Assisting on the Weekends?

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<p>Hi Everyone,<br>

I have a full time job as a video shooter/producer for a television production company in the SF Bay Area. It's a really good gig but my real passion is with still photography and eventually I'd like that to be my career. I feel that I am at a point where I have a good foundation and get semi regular work on my own, but in order to take my skills to the next level I need to start assisting more established photographers. I'm wondering if there is any possibility of getting work as a "weekend assistant". Am I totally out of my mind? I thought I would ask here before suggesting it to potential future employers.<br>

Thanks in advance for any advice.<br>


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<p>Depends on the type of photography you want to do and who needs help but there should be plenty of opportunity. Weddings and other social events ranging from private parties to gala fundraisers are largely weekend work. Think of any kind of event that TV stations or newspapers cover over the weekend where the event organizers hire their own photographer for PR and documentation. Model shoots for aspiring models who haven't quit their day jobs happen on weekends, along with portrait photography for clients who work through the week. The list goes on. Given that you are presumably already visually literate and understand something about lighting, composition and photographic gear, a photographer who needs help would probably prefer you over someone who doesn't know a tripod from a light stand. Are there still photographers your company already works with, or still photographers you encounter on the job? If so, let them know of your interest. Show them your pictures, see if they need a second shooter or just someone to schlep equipment and go from there.</p>
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