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"Hurry or the world perishes" - Working conditions at Canon


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<p>I've got news for you folks. We have a very high standard of living in this country because all over the world people are working like dogs with no worker's rights and no health benefits for a pittance and the products they produce are sold in this country at obscene profits but still well withing our ability to pay. I've been to China twice and Russia three times and I've seen it with my own eyes. Am I feeling guilty, HELL NO! Life is not fair, it never has been and its never going to be so get used to it. The US has sent TRILLIONS of dollars overseas since the end of WWII to help people and most of it has ended up in the bank accounts of corrupt government officials. Folks, its a raw deal and it ain't gonna change. Excuse me while I go open another $2 bottle of wine some Mexican farm laborer helped produce whilst earning just enough to keep himself and his family afloat in a two room shack his employer was generous enough to provide.</p>
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<p>Standing while you work (which many jobs require) or walking a bit over 3 miles/hour in the hallways are hardly brutal or terribly-unfair working conditions. If those are the most-egregious examples of how Canon "mistreats" is employees, I don't feel very compelled to join a boycot of Canon products.</p>
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<p>There comes a time when one must expand productivity,</p>

<p>I find it extraordinarily amusing that the guy talks about earning FIFTY DOLLARS an hour for GM on the 31st may 2009 and they declared bancruptcy on the 3rd June. <br>

Evidently bloated salaries, idle workers and a comprehensive lack of innovation is not the way forward.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>AMEN Walter! Thats exactley how I feel. Most all the world hates us and says we do everything wrong and how we cant do anything right.</p>

<p>Well hey, if we are so bad and do everything so wrong and we are so over paid etc. Then send all those trillions of dollars back to us and quite bi$%*ing about your life style if you think communism or dictatorship is so great. Yes our economy is is bad shape right now. Buts not as bad as some make it out to be and we still manage to give $trillions every year to other countries in need. Maybe if we stopped sending so much out and kept it, we'd be in a little better shape. Funny how most the whole world hates Americans, but dont mind asking for help in war or disaster.</p>

<p>And Graham, that was me talkin about the $50/hr workers. And you are right, its ammusing. Its all about balance. You make more than you are worth, you find yourself without a job. These workers are worth a great deal for sure, but they went too far with the Union pricing them out of a job and now look.</p>

<p>Hey, it got me too. I was released from Mercedes in April. Fine with me though. I'm making my business work now. Could be the best thing that ever happened to me. For me, I either work or I starve now. Thats ok. Americans have made it thru alot worse. I know without a shadow of a doubt, it could be alot worse for me no question about it.</p>

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<p>Funny how most the whole world hates Americans, but dont mind asking for help in war or disaster.</p>



<p>Well I don't <em>hate</em> anyone for where they're from (you can't help that) but one thing I've noticed is the unpleasant tendency of some folk to need to make everything about <em>them</em> - as you and Walter have both done.</p>

<p>It's almost as if - deep down - you <em>are</em> embarrassed or ashamed about something about being from the US, and feel the need to bring the subject up purely in order to then aggressively defend it.</p>

<p>Very odd, that...</p>

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<p>Don’t know where you are from Keith. Didn’t say you hated anyone. Sounds like "you" want to make it about "yourself".<br>


I said, "Most" the whole world hates Americans. It’s not a secret. Look around. Most countries despise the US for one reason or another. Religion, work ethic, spending, government, etc. I've been around tons of Germans who always brought up "Americans" as being selfish cause of the cars we drives. We drive too big of cars and use too much fuel. <br>

They say, "We have to pay $6/gallon for gasoline and you Americans drive around buses to drop your kids off and use up so much fuel that it causes us to pay high prices" <br>

We just use and use and use.<br>


No it doesnt. You pay such high prices cause you live in a Socialist country where they tax your ever loving cods off. But hey, you think its so great, enjoy it. Looks like we are heading down that road soon.<br>


Its always something. Over seas they hate us for religion. They hate our life styles. We ruin everything. Maybe we should have let Saddam live, then he could have killed everyone over there so we would have less work to do later.<br>

But then, everyone complains about how we did nothing and we knew what was going on.<br>


Other countries hate us, but when a disaster strikes like a Tsunami. They got that hand out then. Don’t hate us so much now.<br>


The Japanese hate us for the Hiroshima ordeal. But hey, they started it. The US doesn’t just bomb people who did nothing to us. We don’t just pick a country and decide to play target practice. But they all want act like we're out to kill everyone when they attack us first.<br>


I merely made a statement about the article to say, so what about their work environment. Hope they like it. That’s what they want. They allow it to happen. Don’t complain about working conditions when you act like its so great every time they give a stiff dose of it. Maybe they're not complaining. The OP posted an article just to show it and kinda say, Whatcha think about this. So I answered. GOOD! Now build me a better camera or else.</p>

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<p>Good heavens. This thread has deteriorated into some very nasty commentary. I think it's really inappropriate to be making negative generalizations about other cultures and their politics on this site. You're free to have your own prejudices about other people but please, this is not the place to be sharing them.</p>
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