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colorful photos with Ultra Color 100

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<p>Thanks, Andy! I hope I can still order some more Ultra Color 100 from Freestyle. I'm really going to miss that film if it's actually discontinued. It was kind of like Ektar, but with a "warmer" tone to it. I am going to take some more shots downtown with Ektar though. I think that multi-colored building would look awesome with Ektar. Especially the red...it would really pop out. </p>

<p>Al, I think I've seen that video before. I built a small Tesla Coil too! It's a small one, nowhere near as big as the ones in that video, but it will generate over 100,000 volts. One of the really cool things you can do with a Tesla Coil is light up florescent and neon tubes without wires. You just bring it near the termianal, and it will light up right in your hands, because of the RF. </p>

<p>Russ, I'll definitely look that guy up. Somehow, the name sounds familiar. Maybe I read something about him. </p>

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