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POW 5-31-09


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<p>Hey, thanks for the comments on the lighting effect but I must give credit where it is due. I believe it was Maria who first used the "light painting" effect with some images on this forum about a year or so ago. Maybe it was Rose, but I think it was Maria. I was very new on the forum at the time so I really don't remember but I learned it from her, like so many other things I have seen here. </p>
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<p>This is pretty much the reason why I voted for three pics. A trio of Monument Valley pictures all taken within the space of a few hours. Sunshine, sand storm and thunder storm.<br>

<img src="http://gallery.me.com/cringeruk/100174/IMGP4503-20-51-20of-2084-/web.jpg?ver=12438028930001" alt="" width="699" height="466" /><br>

<img src="http://gallery.me.com/cringeruk/100174/IMGP4535-20-83-20of-2084-/web.jpg?ver=12438028980001" alt="" width="699" height="465" /><br>

<img src="http://gallery.me.com/cringeruk/100174/IMGP4537-20-1-20of-2043-/web.jpg?ver=12438029030001" alt="" width="700" height="468" /></p>

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<p>Thanks for the comments guys...<br>

The shooting went bad for real..no kidding. The girl came up to the studio with an idea to make herself a photo book or something like that. The thing was..she had no IDEA of what she wanted, and then after of one hour of relaxation and light adjustments, she said out of the blue that she had to go, because she had an appointment with another person. Basically, I had only one hour with her, of which only 10 min were effective. I had to make another appointment with her for next Friday. I told her to bring more ideas of what she actually wanted, clothing, and MORE TIME!!!<br>

As a result for this past Friday, I ended up with 5 "yoga" shots, instead of dance shots. And another bunch which I post processed as B&W, the ones you guys saw on the forum. I did not post the yoga stuff, since it's a photo forum and not a health magazine lolololololol!<br>

By the way, I love Jon Reid's pic. "First time with a Pentax"???? I think he wants to see my first time with a Pentax...that was slidefilm on a K1000, a totally worthless underexposed shot...</p>

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<p>John's Clematis--nicely subdued<br>

Justin's airport--crisp & dynamic <br>

Mis' Morning tears--and not just for the color <br>

Leo Dame's Rocket--I was going to pass it by but the floret on the left grabbed me.<br>

Haig's bugs-the light in the first is wonderful and the other captures with content.<br>

Robert's lillys-wonderful light & color<br>

dorus' artists conception<br>

Duane's Emily & Marley - You and that lens did great!<br>

Pretty good for a botched session, Arkadiy!<br>

Arresting shot, George!<br>

Lorenzo's Hanging made me stop and contemplate .</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Arkadiy, no, that was <em>one </em> of the first times I shot digital. Actually, that was the first sunset that I took on digital. I got the K10d in November when it came out, and this shot was in July. I really hadn't done much digital until then because of the results I got from Velvia. In fact, I really didn't start mostly digital until over a year ago.<br>

My Favorites so far;<br>

David, I like the first shot the best. Just wondering, is that a jpeg directly from the RAW? IMO, it needs just a touch of contrast.<br>

Lorenzo's Hanging by a Thread.</p>


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<p>A very foggy wet morning with my "new" toy ( smc 500 f/4.5) , both photos taken at iso 800 and wide open, test shots at a lower iso and stopped down some were sharp enough for me, now if nature would just provide me with more light when I need it!</p><div>00TWWQ-139701584.jpg.ae88b9be43ce149a7900c8430039e66f.jpg</div>
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<p>No photos with the pentax last week. Here's mine from the Sony. Not even sure how many I can post these days. I would have loved to drop some from the recent gay pride protest of Obama this week.</p>

<p><a title="Jail Break by Mr. Gosh Darn Wonderful, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackfist2k2/3574636885/" title="Jail Break by Mr. Gosh Darn Wonderful, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3570/3574636885_4bcc4f9ff7.jpg" alt="Jail Break" width="500" height="333" /> </a></p>

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<p>Usually don't comment since my taste(or lack of taste) seems to counter most peoples but here goes my 3 favs so far<br>

Jon's cades cove sunset, cause I love saturated colors and sunsets<br>

Miserere's contrasts, usually not much on street scenes but something about the crotch rocket next to buggy(west virginian for bascart) speaks to me<br>

David H's TL's woodpecker, I'll have to try something similar</p>


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<p>Nice stuff gang. I don't have anything new...just a bunch of "Buitar Making Shots" b ut i won't bore anyone with those this week. In any case I thought I'd comment on a few that caught my eye.</p>

<p>"Time Travel"...to me it seemed a little cluttered upon first viewing but it's one of those shots that the longer one looks the more interesting it gets. I like it, good eye Justin.<br>

Haig, your insect shots are excellent, you certainly have the knack for doing a good job on those guys. As is your "Canadian" Monarch Butterfly, Leo. I can never get those little bug-ers to sit still long enough.</p>

<p>George C. I like that film shot. Nothing like 1600 speed film to get that gritty, film noir-esk look. Lots of feeling there.<br>

Ah, Dave??...the sixties are over. Sorry pal, I know how you feel, I get nostalgic for those old days myself but it ain't coming back no matter how much Photoshop you take...er, I mean use. "Apple Pie", a la Norman Rockwell. Good eye to see that one.<br>

Duane, I have to agree, "Siblings" has more impact in B/W. Funny how that works sometimes. I'm surprised how often color can get in the way of a very good photo/story. Nice clean composition.<br>

Everyone else, excellent job. This is my favorite thread of the week. I love to see how everyone else sees our world.</p>

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<p>Nick, like I said before, I'm not even sure why the picture turned out. The way I got the colors though, was using the graduated blue cokin filter (Gradual B2 - A123). The sunset was very yellow, and adding the blue on top turned the yellow/light pink into deep pink.<br>

What's kind of odd is the way I discovered the blue filter trick. I was on my way home, riding with my dad at sunset, and noticed that the sunset was a much better sunset looking through the band of color at the top of the windshield. A few years later when I got a cokin filter set, I tried the blue filter and wow what a difference it made to previous sunsets.<br>

BTW, the ISO was on 100-about the only thing set right on the camera at the time.<br>

Glad ya'll (both of you) liked it:-)<br>


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