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basic studio gear, what do I need to start out


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<p>Whats a basic studio kit consist of? Background, light for background, light for subject? I really have no idea. And I would like to start searching for a basic set of equipment. This is more for portrait photography.</p>
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<p>I'm starting out with my camera, an off-camera flash (still working on this one, though), paper for the background and a steady light. There's quite a few posts on another site I read that talk about this type of thing that you might find interesting, as it's mostly do-it-yourself equipment:<br>

<a href="http://www.diyphotography.net/">http://www.diyphotography.net/</a></p>

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<p >A Studio - even a basic portrait studio - has to be able accommodate a big family or similar: IMO four heads, two umbrellas, a snoot, two barn doors or large cones; two large diffusers two large and two mid sized, sturdy stands, on lockable rollers.</p>

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<p >On the other hand for an "Home Studio" - one head; one umbrella and a portable off camera flash, with bounce can make beautiful images - and that kit has a fall back, albeit scant.</p>

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<p >On another issue not asked: before considering / buying the "Gear" for a basic studio, it is necessary to have the ability and knowledge to use it quickly and efficiently and to have a fallback at the ready and to be able to move to that fallback, should it be necessary. </p>

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<p >There are two issues I underscore:</p>

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<p >1. if this is a new endeavour ensure you master one light - effectively and efficiently - before even considering using multi light set-ups.</p>

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<p >2. purchase studio gear that is powerful and which has variable power outputs, and with modelling lights.</p>

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<p >Various points of view are discussed in this previous thread, which was originally posted in the Beginner's Section FYI: <a href="http://www.photo.net/portraits-and-fashion-photography-forum/00R3zz">http://www.photo.net/portraits-and-fashion-photography-forum/00R3zz</a> </p>

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<p> </p>

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