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Would appreciate critique of my website

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<p>Hello, all.<br />I'm a hobbyist tittering on the edge of going professional. I would appreciate candid feedback on my website, good or bad, please don't be shy.<br>


Any perceived improvements that could be made would be greatly appreciated. The intent was to keep it simple, and I built the site myself.<br />Thanks for your time!<br />Cheers,</p>


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<p>Hi Ade,<br>

First, I wanted to say that these are lovely images. Wonderful detail and good lighting.<br>

1. Front page is clean and simple. That's good. It would be nice to have the +/- option on the slideshow so I can click through it myself if I want to. Also, you don't have any information about where you're located (at all) on the front page. Maybe a tag line about 'serving the xxx area' or 'based in Baltimore, MD', would be good. I am guessing that from your area code, anyway. Maybe give a street address or a PO box in your 'contact us' section?<br>

2. Fonts are very, very small for me on the contact page and the services page.<br>

3. Services section seemed pretty bare. It looked like too much negative space. I would find a way to fill that up a little more, whether with words, pricing or photos. <br>

4. Client section - is this for people to come and view their photo session proofs? At first, I didn't know if it was password protected, but I see that most of them are except where you note it as open. You might want to say somehow that it requires a password because at first I was doubting your security. If I hadn't clicked, I would not know about your concern for privacy or your high encryption choice. <br>

5. The bio section. I am not sure I would lead with the fact that you're a software architect. I am a database administrator and software developer by day, myself, but I find that most people think less of me as a photographer when I tell them that. Somehow it works as an inhibitor to my artistic credentials. I would probably leave that out, or I would at least not lead with it. Also, the word " cherisable" is awkward. For one thing, it's either misspelled or doesn't exist. I know what you mean, but I think I might say "cherished" instead. I really like the way that you assure the client that you have the highest respect for the fact you're photographing life-changing or otherwise dear events. <br>

6. Gallery. I chose to view the 'candid portraiture' section. I saw some memorable photos from the front page, in addition to others. I don't know whether or not I would repeat those. They were great, so they should be seen, but repetition isn't good either. I would definitely reconsider the sequencing here because there were a few shots of people with open mouths all in a row. That felt a little weird. I'd separate those from each other. <br>

7. Overall look is clean, and personal with the handwriting font. I think it's very well-designed and professional. I thought you were already in business when I saw it. I think you did a great job. Good luck! </p>

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<p>I think Jennifer made some good points. In addition, I would suggest that you use the same background treatment for each page, perhaps with the addition of a little graphic interest. You're off to a good start though. Good luck with you business. You have some nice images.</p>
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<p>For one thing, you have way too many photos on your web site. I would go with 5 to 10 really great ones for each gallery. The home page alone has 20 images! That's way too many to wade through. I realize you like your photos (and I do too), but I think fewer images would be better.<br>

Secondly, I would rewrite the Bio section. It just screams "amateur." No one really is interested in what kind of equipment you use (except maybe other photographers. Paying clients certainly don't know or care about what cameras you use). I would definitely lose paragraphs 1 and 3.<br>

That fact that you aren't a professional photographer should <em>definitely not</em> be stated in the first paragraph and not at all in your bio. You want to project a professional image to attract clients. Why should they pay a software engineer to take photos of them when they can get Uncle Harry and his digital point & shoot to do it for free? They want to pay a professional who will provide them with great art, not snapshots.<br>

You're off to a good start though. You have the photography part down pat. Now all you need is to get your marketing skills up to snuff and you'll be on your way as a professional with paying clients.<br>

Good Luck!</p>

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<p>Drew, Dean...<br>

<br />The perspective from a fresh pair of eyes should never be underrated. Really appreciate both of you taking the time to look and comment. Thanks for the feedback.<br>

<br />Cheers,</p>


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<p>Not bad at all man. Nice selection of images on the home page as well and there's nothing wrong with having 20 images. It shows a large collection of work. I would suggest getting yourself a blog as well. Also, you should feel very comfortably going pro. I would suggest starting at around $750 - $1000 for your bottom package which would be very reasonable to start with.</p>

<p>Great work, and drop us a line if you ever need any help. :)</p>

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<p>I like the overall feel. It's professional without being overbearing.<br>

A lot of the other advice here is assuming you are using the site to try and build traffic and business. However, if you are getting most of your work from referralls and real world contacts and just using the site to provide the images to your clients; then I think it's ok to keep it minamilistic and focus on the images.<br>

My only advice: on the gallery page it wasn't immediatly obvious to me that the single arrow took you to more pictures in the gallery. I might consider adding some text with the arrows or possibly a "Page: 1, 2, 3, etc" menu at the bottom that also took you to the other pages of the gallery. Just my 2 cents.<br>

Other than that it looks great. Best of luck.</p>

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