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Lightroom adjustments - how to apply to multiple images

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<p>I already know about sync settings and sync metadata. What has me stumped is this. Sometimes when I have several images selected, and make a change to the develop settings or keywords, the change is immediately reflected in all the selected photos. Other times, the change is only applied to the single primary selected photo, and I must use one of the sync functions to apply the change to the others.<br>

Is there a setting somewhere that controls this?</p>

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<p>1. In library if you have multiple photos selected and are in grid mode, changes apply to all. In this scenario it doesn't matter whether you've made the multi selection from the grid or the filmstrip. All that matters is that you're in grid mode. Settings do not have to be synched.<br /> <br /> 2. In library if you have multiple items selected in the filmstrip but you're in loupe mode, it only applies to the primary selected photo<br /> <br /> 3. With multiple selected photos in develop via the filmstrip, changes made with the various sliders (absent syncing) also only apply to the first image</p>
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<p><strong><em>#3A:</em></strong> in Develop, click on all the image you want to affect in the filmstrip. Then <em>Command/Control-click</em> on the <strong>Sync...</strong> button, it will turn into <strong>Auto Sync</strong>. Now whatever modifications you make will be made simultaneously to all the selected images. (Clicking on the <b>Auto Sync</b> button again will disable the automated synchronization, as will deselecting all but one image.)</p>
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