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security of pics


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<p>We were just wondering if there has been any issues with images being stolen or copied? We aren't professionals and aren't too worried about it because it is a public forum, but we didn't know if anyone has seen any of their photos being used by someone else for profit. Thanks for the info!</p>
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<p>Anything that appears on the internet - images or text - is vulnerable to unauthorized reuse. Even tiny, poor quality JPEGs are subject to such use. There is no practical way to prevent that. Even clearly copyrighted images are vulnerable - I've seen it many times. A conscientious website will delete any copyrighted material reposted by another user, but not all sites are concerned about copyright violations since there are few consequences.</p>

<p>Quite frankly, all you can do is clearly label your creative work as being copyrighted and be prepared to deal with the possibility that it will be reused without permission.</p>

<p>Some folks consider that a reasonable risk in exchange for greater exposure of their work. Others choose to aggressively pursue means to prevent such unauthorized reuse.</p>

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<p>Copyrighting is akin to locks on doors; they keep honest people out.</p>

<p>Good luck if/when a image is stolen by someone from a country outside yours.<br>

As a amateur or a professional working for yourself, be prepared to pay a lawyer for his/her<br>

services to prevail in proof of ownership. Most do not have the resources to do this.</p>

<p>Yes, this sort of thing is quite frequent but is generally not a problem.</p>

<p>Now if Coke or Pepsi used one of my photos w/o licensing permission, I would be ecstatic! LOL Ka'Ching</p>

<p>The real concern is <strong>not</strong> when someone uses your images w/o giving proper credit; the real concern is when they make money from your images.<br>

Real protection? None...Best protection?... Post images at a resolution that challenges any enlargemnent.</p>

<p>all the best,</p>

<p>Pete </p>

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<p>I agree with the Coke And pepsi statement (Pete)... that would be fun, im not to concerned about it since im a begginer photographer and i do it for my own enjoyment, but i guess if i was too worried about it i should post on a public site.</p>
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