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What constitutes "one-time use"?

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<p>I recently made my first photo sale. I granted <strong>one-time, non-exclusive print rights</strong> to a local magazine. The photo accompanied one of the key stories in the issue and ran on a full page. They even gave me photographer credit. Needless to say, I was thrilled.</p>

<p>They sent me a complimentary advanced copy, and I have to admit that I've turned to page 56 several times in the four days since I received the copy to admire my photo. However, just today I noticed that they also used part of the photo in a collage on the cover. </p>

<p>Now my question is this: by using the photo both inside the magazine and as part of the cover, did they violate the one-time, non-exclusive print rights that I granted? Or, since both uses appear in the same issue, does that fall under the category of one-time use? </p>

<p>I want to build a good working relationship with the magazine because I'd like to get additional work from them, but I don't want them to take advantage of my inexperience, either. If it turns out that this is a violation of the rights I granted, I would politely contact them and point out the violation to see how they respond.</p>

<p>Any feedback on this would be appreciated.</p>

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<p>Kent, I am a photographer at a magazine, so my viewpoint might be a bit slanted, but it depends entirely on the agreement the magazine has, either with you or the stock agency. In a sense, the cover is a promotional element for the content. You might focus on that part of the agreement. It might be included somehow in that kind of verbiage. Personally, I would not be upset about this, but again, this is my skewed viewpoint.</p>
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<p>Let it slide in building a good connection to the magazine. Many smaller magazines use the best of the inside pics on the cover in some sort of collage and as long as your image isn't used for the majority of the cover, I wouldn't charge extra for it. To me, it's far more important to build a good relationship with the magazine/photo editor.</p>

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<p>First of all, please understand very clearly that what the magazine has done is nothing less than copyright infringement. That is, unless your licensing language is very sloppy indeed.</p>

<p>Second, the cover of a magazine is the single most commercial/promotional aspect of it (the table of contents is the second most important part that sells the magazine off the newsstand). You should be paid for the cover use as the primary use (at a proper cover space rate), and then for the inside editorial use, possibly with a small discount (15%-25%) for multiple use on the latter use only. Frankly, I would rather "throw in" the inside use than the cover use, though there is no need to do that either.</p>

<p>It is entirely possible to negotiate fair compensation for the actual extent of the use of the work (and the value derived by the client), AND still build a positive relationship with the client. I have even hit client's with large financial settlements in cases of obvious willful/negligent copyright infringement and still gone on to have positive working relationships with them in several cases. Don't assume that the client won't happily pay for the cover use if they are simply asked. If they seem reluctant to pay for the full extent of use they have made of your work, then stay positive, don't get emotional, but do indicate that there needs to be a satisfactory resolution to this infringement of your copyright.</p>

<p>You can be a nice guy and still resolve this matter with appropriate compensation for the full extent of the use.</p>

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<p>If you want a legal opinion, contact a lawyer. :)</p>

<p>My opinion is that using just part of your photo in a collage on the cover doesn't violate the spirit of one-time use. Depending on how your contract is worded, it may not even violate the letter of the law. Does one time mean one event or does it mean one photo? Not sure.</p>

<p>Even if it did violate the contract, how much money is involved? You don't have the full cover. It's a local magazine.</p>

<p>If you want to work for them again, I would let it slide. I wouldn't even try to politely point it out to them. No harm, no foul. </p>

<p>Now, if it had been the full cover or the only photo on the cover, I'd ask about cover payment. But just a piece of your photo used in a collage? I'd let it slide.</p>


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<p>OMG, that has got to be the nit-pickiest thing I have seen in a long, long time!<br>

Previewing something that is inside the magzine with a tiny portion in a collage on the cover seems to be normal, and part and parcel of the whole "one-time" usage idea.<br>

What next? Writers complaining their story's title appeared in the Index?</p>

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<p>Thanks for the input, everyone. To summarize, it seems like it could be a violation, depending on specificity of the wording in the agreement. While I possibly could contact the publisher in a polite manner to negotiate payment for this use, it would probably be best to let it slide to build a good relationship with the publisher.</p>

<p>Just to clarify, L.J.: they didn't use the photo to preview the inside story. They took my photo and used it in a collage, making a new, derivative work of art. Had they used the photo to advertise the story (<em>Read Tall Tales on pg 57</em> ), I probably wouldn't have even asked the question. But since some other artist used my photo to create a new work of art, I thought it fell into a different category altogether.</p>

<p>Thanks again for your insights, everyone!</p>

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<p>Not owning the copyright for the cover image (even though it contains my copyrighted image), I don't feel comfortable uploading a copy of it. I wouldn't want someone to post a copy of my image without permission. They publish the cover of their latest issue on their website, so I could provide a link to their website when they release their June issue.</p>
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<p>The other way around it is to simply ask the magazine. Something along the lines of, "Hey I love how you used my photo in that collage on the front cover do you guys pay extra for that kind of usage?" Then see what kind of a reaction you get. You never know, they might realise they do pay for it and forgot to tell you (highly unlikely but you never know!). Or they might be put on the back foot, feel bad about it and offer payment. You never know unless you ask.<br>

Working in a small town I know it's important to build a friendly relationship with magazines but it's also important to be professional and set parameters. If the photo was used in a collage that had nothing to do with advertising the piece and the artist got paid for that collage then it's fair enough you get paid a bit too. Magazines often pay for the preview images in the front of the magazine so why not the cover? I don't think it's nit-picking at all. If they're making money off of your image (by having it on the front cover and encouraging people to buy the magazine) then you deserve a share if you want it. It's a slippery slope when you start giving usage away for free simply because you consider it too much of a bother to query.</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>Quick update: When the magazine updated their webpage for their June City Guide issue, they included my photo, which defnitely didn't fall under the "non-exclusive, one-time print rights" I granted. I contacted the art director about this use and about the use on the cover. She was very apologetic for the unauthorized use, thanked me for bringing it to her attention, and offered to double my fee, which I accepted. It doesn't seem this soured any nascent relationship: she also invited me to attend their City Guide launch party to meet their staff and regular contributors. </p>
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<p>Probably they knew about the infringement, but didn't, and don't, do anything til they are caught! Keeping an eye on your copyright is your job, not theirs. You caught them, told them you caught them, and only then do they compensate you. Not unusual for a magazine or newspaper. If they can get away with something, they will.</p>

<p>Just like anybody else! :-)</p>

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