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Big store processing

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<p>It definitely varies by chain and store. My local Walmart scratches my negs heavily and the "techs" don't wear gloves, however, the local Costco gives me clean negs and they all wear gloves (35mm C-41 only, though). They have a Noritsu that I'm pretty sure is still wet-process, but I believe the negatives are scanned before printing. They print on Fuji Crystal Archive paper, which I quite like.</p>

<p>The only time Costco messed up noticably was when I was in a hurry and dropped off a roll of Portra VC, the scans of which came back muted (eg, someone hit the button for "Portra NC" colour correction instead). Turned out OK in the end, though.</p>

<p>So, the moral of the story is keep checking around and hopefully you'll find a chain where they actually care about the product instead of hiring the cheapest labour possible. </p>

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