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how to use the sinar focussing aid?


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this may be really stupid but I was wondering how to use the little

focussing aid on sinar camera's (near the backs fine focus) and

apart from that if it is worth using anyway. I can not quite figure it

out, and it seems to me that it should only be accurate for one

specific lens or focal length (there's a little '90' on mine so

perhaps this was meant for a 90mm?)




thanks for any insight,


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The device on the Sinar focus knob is good for all focal lengths ...

it's shortcomings only really become apparent with very close

focussing (macro).




There are usually two scales printed around the focus drive knob

- say, 4x5 & 6x9. Refer to the apropriate scale for the format you

are using.




First focus on a the furthest point that you wish to appear sharp

and move the '0' on the scale to the index mark.




Next focus on the near point that you want sharp. Note the

aperture value at the index mark - this is the aperture to shoot at.




Now turn the focus drive back 2 f-stops on the scale. At this point

the depth of field at the indicated aperture will be sufficient for a

10x8 print from a 4x5 neg. to be viewed at a normal (arm's

length) distance from the print.




The Tilt and Swing angle scales work differently on the F series

and the P series but since you don't mention which model it is I

can't render any further advice at this stage.




Cheers ... Walter

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The Sinar P (and the P2) definitely has a tilt (and swing) aid

built-in to the camera. this is part and parcel of the assymmetric

tilt and swing mechanism for the camera. The Sinar F cameras

needan external scale to calculate tilt and swing angles because

they are base tilt designs, not the superior assymmetric design

found in the P, C and X series of Sinar view cameras.

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