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Please Help... Critique my website

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<p>Too many words on home-page. When it loads, all I see are words. One small pic in the top corner. </p>

<p>You have a 'promotions' page, so having a big paragraph about a 'special' you are running on the home page seems misplaced.</p>

<p>Prints and pricing just has print prices, are photo sessions free? </p>

<p>Albums appears to be one 'album' of various photos. </p>

<p>All the galleries are a little slow to load. Maybe just thumbnails would be faster? (I dunno).</p>

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I'm going to be really honest here. I'm not sure that you've researched who your target client is and some drastic changes to your website may improve the level of that client.<br>

Way too much information. Also, I hope I'm not insulting anyone, but your images are very low resolution and the girl on the home page looks extremely unhappy. Not a good opening.<br>

Your prices are really low and you have lots of detail on your website with too many options, so 1 of 2 things will happen. A potential client will rule you out and never call because you have everything there and haven't left them a reason to setup a meeting. OR The people who book you are looking for a low priced photographer and you're steering them into your lowest package because that's what's on top and you have to scroll way down to the others. Is that who you want to be working for?....-Aimee</p>

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<p>I have made some changes. The images look that way, I think, because I created each page as a portrait and then uploaded it. I have already noticed my google rating dropping because it can not scan the writing so I had started to remove those images. I just have not had the time to do all pages. I will be changing images. Please let me know what you think of the changes and if you have any ideas that may help me.</p>
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<p>If you make money with photography, you should hire a professional firm to design your site. If you can't afford it, there are some options for software that could work for you;</p>

<p>for instance; http://www.livebooks.com/</p>

<p>If you're designing the website yourself, you're barking up the wrong tree. Just like it shows when companies don't hire professional photographers to take their pictures, it shows when photographers don't hire professional website designers. And honestly, the current state of your website makes you look like an amateur photographer and needs more than just adding life to your pages, it needs a complete overhaul. </p>

<p>You only need to realize how fast an impression is made on the web and how it instantly reflects on your business. </p>

<p>A professional firm with also help you with not just displaying the right information with the right look for your target audience, but just will also help you get found online. </p>

<p>You don't have to like these, but they are examples of professional photography websites;</p>




<p>http://www.ericpowellphoto.com/ nice and simple</p>



<p>You'll notice most don't say a lot, they sell themselves through the quality of their photography. It's not hard to stand out as a photographer, as long as you do good work. Your website should be simple, clear, to the point and offer plenty of examples of what your customers can expect when they hire you. </p>

<p>That's it, there's my 2 cents :)</p>

<p>~ Alain</p>

<p> </p>


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The homepage looks much better. I still think you have too much pricing information on the site. You're selling yourself with low prices. Try letting your customers know how you're going to capture their special day..........-Aimee</p>

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<p>I feel for you. Looks like you've put alot of effort into that website. I know the feeling as I been working on this website forever. It seems like now I just keep carving away at it to make it simple as possible. Simple is best. If you know HTML a little bit then you can make a really simple website that looks really great and professional. Like other's said. Photo's are what sells, not the website design. Take a look at this guy's site and he's famous. No frills, big pictures, and some links to make it interesting to navigate. <a href="http://www.marcatkins.com/">http://www.marcatkins.com/</a><br>

Here's the one I've been working on. I ended up buying a flash template so I feel like i have to use it but I think I may just go the simple html route pretty soon. <a href="http://www.beccamorris.com">www.beccamorris.com</a> <br>

Good luck. remember, keep it simple. </p>

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<p>My package comes with flash tools but I don't like it. I have made a lot more changes again today and I am taking off wording as I go. I am hoping to get it down to the bare necessaties soon. I also changed my prices some but I have only been in business a couple years and the competition in the Austin area is tough. I am learning all about the website stuff as I go. I had to do it all on my own from day one so I am still pretty proud of myself and that I am moving along. I looked at the top 25 best photography portfolio websites. <a href="http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/galleries/best-photographer-websites/">http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/galleries/best-photographer-websites/</a> I was trying to see what they do that I don't most of it is the large images!</p>
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