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xxD prices


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<p>I just graduated and have been given a budget to buy a gift with. I am looking at picking up a 50D, but understand that a replacement/upgrade to the xxD line may be coming out the end of this year or first quarter or two of next year, what do these bodies usually debut at price wise? I figure I shouldn't pass up the great rebates right now, but if the new upgrade has some decent features it may be worth the wait or just pick up the 50D anyway as the new model drives the price down a bit.<br>

Any thoughts/educated guesses would be appreciated!</p>

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<p>The next model will have video.</p>

<p>Of course the one after that will have even better video, the one after that will add an MP3 player and the one after that will have GPS.</p>

<p>How long do you want to wait? By 2020 we should have 3D, super hi-res video at 60fps, 1Tb of built in storage, 10 stops of stabilization in the body, ISO 128,000, 20 fps stills and wireless connectivity at 100MB/s</p>

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<p>I don't know video is a pretty big enhancement to DSLR's. I agree that I don't know if I would wait until the end of the year to get it but its very cool to have video through your lenses. If video is important there is a new rebel coming out - I believe later this month - that has video. Or you may want to consider a 40D and put some $$ toward lenses.</p>
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<p>The video is really the only feature that has given me a reason to wait, the 50D already has a lot to offer that will take a good amount of time learn. But I'm really not sure how much I would appreciate the video, I already take a lot of video with my camcorder and it doesn't get much use after filming, so the pics missed with the 50D over the next few months+ may be worth more than the video that I would miss with the 50D over the time I have the body.<br>

Anyone else hear much how others feel about their video with their 5D mkIIs or D90s?</p>

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<p>Todd, I do the same thing with video, at some point I dump it all on a DVD and pretty much forget about it for a while. I just picked up a 5D2. The quality is great and I am finding its a great added bonus but I use the camera for photos 90% of the time but I do enjoy the video and I have found many uses for the video. If I had my choice I would prefer the ability to shoot video but I would still own a camera either way. </p>

<p>If you find you would like the video feature, I would at least look at this:<br>


<p>If not the 40D or 50D make a great camera that you can always keep as a secondary body if you do upgrade down the road. </p>

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<p>I thought video was kind of gimmicky, but I've seen it used (I think) how they intended it to be used, and it's actually kind of neat. A friend has the 5Dii and while taking shots will capture small bits of video. He has been creating montages set to music for years, but now will intersperse videos throughout that may be kind of worthless on their own but add to the overall story in a very cool way. It's less like video and more just like an enhanced photo.</p>
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<p>Bob is, as so often, spot on. There will always be a new model to wait for, and there is always the danger that if you buy too early, you will help the manufacturer in the "debugging" process. If you buy late, of course the new model will come out a week later, but the 50D will continue to be a significantly advanced camera regardless of its lack of video, etc.</p>

<p>I thought about the 50D but ended up getting a used 5D for the same price since I have some older legacy lenses (Nikon mount) that I wanted to use, but that really needed full-frame. Except for that, I'd have got the 50D.</p>

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<p>The Rebel T1i has video (not as good as the 5D MkII, but still pretty good). They are shipping in some parts of the world right now. Not sure about the US, but they will certainly be available here sometime this month.</p>

<p>I suspect the 60D will have video at least comparable with the 5D MkII (1080 @ 30fps). It does chew up memory very fast though and I think clips are limited to 12 minutes each. The file system used by most cameas can't handle files over 4GB each. I have no idea when the 60D will appear. Could be Fall 2009, could be Spring 2010, could be Fall 2010. It probably depends somewhat on the state of the economy and what Nikon and Sony (and maybe Pentax) release and when they release it.</p>

<p>Video is fast becoming something that all DSLRs will have. Once you have Live View, it's not that hard (or expensive) to add video.</p>


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<p>Thanks for the responses everyone!<br /> Ths thread may be dead soon, but one last question that I'm curious about. How significant is 6 shots per second (50D) compared to 3 shots per second (Rebel/5Dmkii) when it comes to sports or action shots? I've never shot much at higher than 3 and was wondering what others thought. I have 4 boys, so this will be a very heavy venue for me.<br>

<br /> Thanks again!</p>

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<p>Totally worth it! The closest parallel I can think of in feel is like shooting a machine gun versus shooting rapidly w/ a semi-auto, I usually set the camera to regular continuous shooting, vs. high speed continuous, because it's gets a little out of hand @ 6.5FPS.</p>

<p>When shooting sports it is truly awesome, you can burst through an entire movement (such as a pitch or a swing). compared w/ the</p>

<p>BTW... you might want to get the 32gb card!</p>

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<p>6, its actually 6.5 I believe, but its crazy fast. So fast that I turn it down to 3 when I don't want a fast burst. If your shooting sports or fast action its really nice to have ( main reason I kept my 40D now that I have a 5d2 )</p>
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<p>Being out of photography for a number of years, I started back by going digital with a Rebel XS which I like but felt somewhat limited with. I already have a good collection of Canon EF lenses (but of course, want more). Looking for more camera I purchased a reconditioned 40D for a good price. I looked at the 50D as well and was greatly tempted. The deciding factors were price and file size. Raw files on the 50D are almost twice the size of the 40D and could tax my current computer system. IQ will be indistinguishable for the size prints I'm likely to have made, so the 40D seemed a good choice. I believe I have found the camera that's right for my situation without going for the latest, greatest. The price was right and it's quite a camera.</p>
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