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Top-Notch-Street Nils Jorgensen

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<p>Nils' skills have grown impressively since he used to post here or at the Leica forum. Both in seeing and shooting skill and post processing. It's great to see how good he's become. Unforutunately, he dogmatically insists on using those rediculous frames around his photos...don't bother arguing, it's a humorous old argument we used to have with him.</p>
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<p>thank you for sharing this collection they are truly superb, his art of juxtaposition and sense of humour makes for great street photography . The one thing is I'm sure that a few of his pictures must be posed merely because nobody could be that lucky or that insightful so many times I would be interested if any one else feels the same way , it doesn't really matter to me because the pictures are as good as it gets.</p>


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<p>Steve, my first thought was, 'how much time does this guy have on his hands?' In as much as thinking some of these must be posed.<br>

I've taken a 2nd look and now I don't think any of them are posed.<br>

Out of interest which ones look posed to you?</p>

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<p>I'm a street shooter, and I'd be amazed, seeing this guy's talents that any of them are posted, without having a full scale production crew, with aids, actors, etc. He just seems to spend what probably is a lot of time shooting and has finely honed instincts and a tremendous eye. Anything else, I'd seriously doubt.<br>

It is not in the general nature of street shooting to 'pose' such shots, and in point of fact, it is almost impossible to do so anyway, no matter what, and even if one had the inclination and the vision to do so, the enormous effort in trying would bankrupt most people -- skeptics of genuine street photography should take note -- it often happens in a matter of seconds and that magic something occurs in the brain of the shooter and often takes a small fraction of a second from recognition of possibilities to actual execution, and 'street shooters' can often easily be bored -- most would be bored to tears setting up shots.<br>

We almost all of us pass by such juxtapositions; only the most gifted of us 'see' them. Mr. Jorgensen 'sees' them, and apparently does have a great deal of time for shooting, and is amply rewarded by his output, which is simply outstanding.<br>

I'm an instant fan.<br>

John (Crosley)</p>

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