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Epson 9600?


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<p>Hi Folks,<br>

I shoot large format and 6x7, and have been printing my images with an Epson Stylus R1800. I've been very happy with the small prints I've gotten from this machine (Ok, BxW took a little coaxing, but overall its been great.) All of my bigger stuff I take to a lab.<br>

Lately though, I've been frustrated by my inability to print my larger prints myself. I've read up on the Epson 9800, and I would love to have one, but the price is too steep.<br>

Now I have the opportunity to purchase a used Epson <em>9600</em> for very, very cheap, from someone I trust. I'm wondering if anyone here has any advice regarding this machine versus the 9800. Is there a huge difference between the two? I've been unable to find any useful comparisons on the web.<br>

Should I buy this printer, or is it outdated for a reason?<br>

I shoot BxW and color, and print primarily on matt papers.<br>

much appreciated for any replies,<br>



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<p>I researched buying one of these for my last firm and we decided it didn't make sense economically (and this was for a medium sized architecture firm - a lot of printing goes on). It would have to be crazy cheap, or you'd have to do pretty high volume. If the money works out, it's a fantastic printer; newer models perform a bit better in certain areas of the color gamut and gray inks for better grayscale printing - and the newest version has "HDR ink" but I have no idea what that's supposed to mean - but if you like the R1800 prints you'll like the 9600.</p>
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