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Any Tips

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Among many comments that will depend on the viewer, I would recommend you to remove/avoid any distracting background. I can see that you have "sense of composition" placing your subjects in certain predetermined positions in your photographs, THAT IS GOOD>! but, some of your subjects occupies very little space in the whole are, even when I understand that you want to show the surrounding areas. Cropping is a good tool that may MAGNIFY the power of your subject.<br>

Besides the night time photographs, I see that your day time are backlighted or low contrasted. I would try to take advantage of COLOR... I think you have sense of composition... I would suggest you to experiment with LIGHTING and BOLDING your subjects by cropping.<br>

With all respect to your valuable work, I cropped a couple of your photographs according to what I would like them.</p>

<p>JC </p>

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<p>The only possible way to make existing photos better is with post-processing.</p>

<p>Going forward, if you like to see what you saw through the lens as opposed to what the sensor saw and the camera's firmware adjusted and recorded, you could make some changes to exposure (several are underexposed), and use post-processing. You seem to like scenes that have high dynamic range, and might want to explore High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI).</p>

<p>If you want to see what your eyes see (not looking through a lens) or what your mind envisions, that's another matter. If this is the case, to improve your photos, you must do several things differently before you release the shutter (some have been mentioned above), and at least some post-processing.</p>

<p>It's a very, very rare to have a photo that can't benefit from some degree of post-processing. It's rather like the difference between having film developed and printed by some kid runnning it through an automatic machine at Wal Mart or a by a custom lab that takes pains to get each print just right.</p>

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