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<p>Odd problem I just encountered.<br>

Hope someone may have the answer.</p>

<p>Just tried to process some jpegs from my D-300..My D3 files behave no differently.<br>

1) When attempting a "save as" with the jpeg file, I get a warning message. <strong>"Alert 2: Could not save file"</strong><br>

If I save as a .NEF FIRST and then save as a jpeg, it works fine..Odd?</p>

<p>2) If I try to open the .nef files with Adobe, I get the message <strong>"Can not open *.nef because it is the wrong type file."</strong><br>


I am also noticing I can no longer see my RAW thumbnails in explorer view. Hmmm?<br>

This is almost behaving as though I have a corrupt codec?</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

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