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FOR SALE, how much can I get?

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<p>So I want to make a jump to full frame. I have 30D and 40D(both in excellent condition, well cared for) ef-s 10-22 anf ef-s 17-55 f2.8 is. I want to sell to purchase the 5dmkII kit. How mucho do you guys think I could get from ebay from selling the bodies and lenses. I also have ef 50mm f1.2, ef 85mm f1.2 mkII, ef 70-200 f2.8 and 24mm f1.4L, obviously not selling those.</p>
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<p>If you are new to ebay then it is worth while building up some feedback before delling large itemss. This will encourage people to have confidence in your sale. Also describe each item in detail making sure you list all known problems such as dings etc. Again this is to biuls confidence in youe buters.</p>
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On eBay, you can expect to get from $535 to $625 US for the 10-22mm (for lens conditions from E+ to M-), and from $735 to $925 US for the 17-55mm. The sale prices will be higher if you have hoods, original caps and boxes.
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<p>You should know this: If you are new to EBay they will now HOLD your PayPal sale amount for as long as 21 days (at their discretion) if you have less than 100 transactions and/or your item sold for more than $100 USD...and since they ONLY accept PayPal...there is no way out. whereas on the Ebay site clearly stipulates the exact opposite: seller will ship AFTER payment funds clear. What a joke!</p>

<p>If you don't mind waiting to get the money go for it otherwise, do it locally.</p>

<p>I have 87 transactions (with a 100% positive feedback) and they held amounts from two recent sales, even after the buyers had left positive feedback. Finally, I had to actually call PayPal and get serious over the phone. They released the funds that same day but, it's a dubious business practice because they DO take their fees upfront...and then, hold the remainder of the amount.</p>

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<p>I'd agree, eBay has become a site for commercial sellers and you have the fees, the packing and shipping to do, etc etc. Craigslist is far better, the only downside is the possibility for a no show, and I've had excellent success here at photo.net. The worst prices I've gotten for selling anything relative to what I thought it was worth, mostly non-camera stuff, have been on eBay. </p>
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<p> Craig's list isn't always the best either. I've not had any luck recently selling gear. Only responses are people wanting to ship overseas (scam) and people asking "will you take $100?" Maybe it's my location or the economy, but no one is biting on craig's list here. I'm asking about 60% of what I paid new for 2 year old equipment in excellent condition with camera bags and all kinds of stuff thrown in, but no is interested accept scammers and people wanting the deal of a lifetime at my expense.</p>
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<p>you do realise, don't you, that the answer to question will greatly depend on <em>where in the world you are </em> - and that there's no way of telling that from your post?<em> <br /> </em></p>

<p>Not <em>everyone</em> lives in the US, and it's real pet hate of mine that so many people automatically assume that because they do, everyone else must too.<br>

<em><br /> </em></p>

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I am posting in photo.net, not photo.com(american, ebay=american).uk or something .hn .mx .dn whatever, therefor it is logical for every one else to assume I live in America as you probably did at first, mate. So why dont you go have a cup of tea and relax.<br>

P.S. and for the other post, thanks, although it would just have been easier for you if you just said simply "no" rather than take your precious time to look up previous post just for me and take time to copy the link and paste. But I appreciate it though.</p>

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<p>I am posting in photo.net, not photo.com(american, ebay=american).uk or something .hn .mx .dn whatever, therefor it is logical for every one else to assume I live in America as you probably did at first, mate. So why dont you go have a cup of tea and relax.</p>


<p>Photo.net is international, and has quite a few posters from outside the US. The assumption here should not automatically be that people are in the US.<br>

<br /> On the other hand, it only takes about 10 seconds to look at Angel's profile and posting history and find out that he is in LA.</p>

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<p>Angel, along with posting in the classifieds here, I would definitely post in the buy & sell forum at fredmiranda.com; there are a lot of people looking for those cameras and willing to pay fair prices as long as you can post pictures of the cameras that show them what they'll receive. You're likely to get prices more in line with what you want than if you go the ebay route.</p>
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