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P&S for low-light time exposures?

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<p>is there a compact digital camera on the market that can make Time or Bulb exposures? <br>

I'm a film photographer, but I'm considering buying a small (I hope) digital to use as a lightmeter. I know that many digitals get some sensor issues with long exposures (mine are ~15 seconds to 15 minutes), but I would only be hoping to judge adequate exposure when there's too little light for a meter.</p>

<p>Is there a compact that would work, or would a DSLR be required for this?</p>


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<p>Most point and shoot camera have maximum exposures of less than one minute, typically 15 seconds. If anyone knows of a point and shoot that can take exposures longer than one minute, feel free to correct me. Anyway, if you really need long exposures, you'll likely need an SLR. However, it is possible to "stack" a series of images that use a shorter exposure via post processing, to get the effect of a longer exposure. I haven't tried this method myself, but it could be useful if you want to go the P&S route. Also, it's well known that P&S cameras suffer from more noise than SLR cameras, especially in low light situations.</p>
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<p>thanks everyone for the replies! <br>

Bob - good point, hadn't considered.  And, i have a Sekonic L-508. love it, use it all the time. but low-light sensitivity isn't it's strong suit. Heard that a Gossen Luna Pro (old one) might be the trick?  true?<br>

Bill - thanks for the dpreview link.  as a film photog, I've never looked there. :)</p>

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