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Recipe for wedding photojournalism - BLT with TLC? :)


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<p>I was just thinking through about what made wedding photos have that special wow factor... I started scribbling them down and came up with a few things... Then I realised they just happened to fit into a couple of popular abbreviations to help me remember them when I'm looking through the viewfinder. <br>

T = Timing<br>

L = Lighting<br>

C = Composition<br>

as for composition, this can be broken down into...<br>

B = Balance<br>

L = Leading lines<br>

T = Telling a story<br>

What do you guys think? What other "recipes" for great photos is anyone willing to share in terms of what they look out for. Especially given the fast paced shooting that we all know to be wedding photography... <br>

Double points if they add up to a commonly used abbreviation! :)</p>

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