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Locked Shutter

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<p>My M4-P has locked up on me. On this last roll of film the shutter would not trip unless I released the button. This happened several times. It also became a little grindy when I attempted to advance the film. I've been using an Abrahamson winder with it, and though I was zipping along rather speedily I certainly wasn't forcing anything. Now the camera will simply not advance, though I was able to harvest the film out of it.<br>

I know, this usally calls for a CLA, and perhaps even a shutter repair at one of the many facilities scattered throughout the world. But hell, I'm a handy guy; the shutter curtains haven't torn away and when I rattle the camera I don't hear the jingle of loose teeth stripped off steel gears, so I'm of the opinion that my problem isn't as horrible as it first appears, and might easily be something I can tackle (I even drilled out, fabricated, and replaced a camera lug, so I ain't afraid of much).<br>

My first question is where on Earth might I locate a factory repair manual? My second question is do one of you intrepid oldsters have a video out there that shows exactly how to tear this puppy down for a look-see?</p>

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<p>Tomosy's "Leica Camera Repair Handbook" gives you enough information to get the covers off safely. You'll need to make some ring wrenches.<br>

Also, there's a freely available PDF of the Leica M2 repair training from the US Military, for the KS-15(4) still camera system.<br>

Problem may well be a film chip in the works.</p>


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<p>Unless you have been trained as a camera repair person you are very likely not handy enough and will make a mess of it. I had the same problem with an M6 and an M2. Send it to Sherry or DAG or Cameraquest. Trust me, you'll be saving time, nerves and money in the end.</p>
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