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WedNEsDAy PiC #17


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<p>A post-a-pic thread, but don't bother if you don't have the right brand of camera? I know this is a Nikon forum, but WTF? Photo.net, please reference the forum category on high-activity threads listed on the front page, so we sub-Nikonians can better avoid humiliation.</p>
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<p>Good point, John. I didn't realize the forums weren't specified on photo.net's home page, since I rarely look at the home page. On most other view options the name of the forum is specified alongside the thread title.</p>

<p>Jose, you usually lead us off on these threads, what do you think about naming 'em the "Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #"? These weekly photo sharing threads are becoming very popular and it's easy to see how folks viewing the most active threads notice on the home page could be misled.</p>

<p>BTW, John, you might enjoy the <a href="../no-words-forum/"><strong>No Words Forum</strong> </a> , which is wide open to any and all and has several themes running every day. No critiques or squabbles, just a fun way to participate in a running theme with our photos.</p>

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<p>Hey John - I tried to sneak a Canon shot one time but someone read my EXIF data (there oughta be a law) and I nearly got banned for life! Now all my shots are genuine Nikon although I do use a Tokina lens sometimes. For some reason those guys over at the Canon Forum never have a thread like this. Every other brand does, Pentax is particularly nice. </p>
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<p>Great shots, all. Too many favorites to list.<br>

This is from a D80, 16mm F2.8; ISO 100, f 3.8 @ 1/400. I had hoped to put up some shots taken with my new F5, but I lost something in translation at the print shop and wound up with scanned contact sheets rather than scanned negatives. Mandarin is hard. Maybe next week...maybe not... ;-)<br>

North Chengdu Neighborhood<br>

<img src="http://www.ianhokephotography.com/photoblog/images/20090405144042_20090404_5876sunnychengdu_crop.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>This photo could serve as my official D700 testimonial. The "artwork" in the background is actually a small section of the Berlin Wall. It's tucked away in an inconspicuous alcove in New York City next to an office building. I've longed to take this shot for years, but the position of the slab presents two major photographic problems.</p>

<p>To begin with, the area is surrounded by tall buildings, so it never gets any direct sunlight. Secondly, the slab in full view of a security guard 24 hours a day; a tripod is not a convenient option.</p>

<p>Enter the D700. At ISO 1600 I was able to capture a clear handheld shot at 1/125 @ f/8. The 14-bit capture provided generous latitude for highlight and shadow recovery in Lightroom. The results have exceeded my expectations. Thank you, Nikon!</p>


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<p>The number of impressive shots on this Wednesday thread increases week after week. There's not a single lackluster shot this time. This is an exceptional catalog of work, and I'm honored to be a part of it. Congratulations to ALL of the contributors!</p>


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<p>Another week with too many terrific shots to name, but here are a few of my favorites:<br>

Sanford Gerald's bar's eye view.<br>

Ilkka Nissila's incredibly sharp harbor shot.<br>

Pedro Cardoso for the amazing blue sky.<br>

Jens Frederiksen, what an inviting pathway.<br>

Lil Jud, what nice bokeh you have.</p>

<p>If you live in the Los Angeles area you need to get to the hills. The California poppies are in bloom now. I was driving highway 5 today through Gorman and had to get on the side roads because the hills were golden and blue in poppies and lupine. This little photo attached does not get the idea across, but I liked the low angle. The hills are carpeted in gold.</p><div>00T9Gv-127635584.jpg.c90749077292b8d9e29dbfae6d1ae30d.jpg</div>

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<p><em>" so we sub-Nikonians can better avoid humiliation."</em></p>

<p>oh, great. now the nikon forum is so popular, non-nikonistas want a piece of the action? okay, but only if they replace their neckstraps with yellow logos.</p>

<p>but seriously, those 50 AF-S shots look awesome. clearly that lens is a performer in the right hands.<em> </em> too much other great stuff to mention it all, but some of my faves this time out are tiffany's portrait, raden's mangrove jungle, h.ting's poi, shawn's cafe chair, oscar's cruise ship, jaane's railroad tracks, johannes' guitar, susan's baby, jay's urban landscape, sjoerd's pancakes, richard's landscape, all the great macro pics, etc., etc. the range of expression, styles, and colors is impressive. nice to see so many new contributors too!</p>

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<p>Just to answer Lex coment... I´m only the first poster in this weekly thread, of course I can include the word Nikon on the subject or perhaps it could be better to post this remark in the first line of the initial post.</p>

<p>John is right. I also have thought several times about the convenience of forum references on this high activity box, but I must also say it only happened at my first visits to photo.net or from time time, because I usually jump over this page and go directly to my favourite forums. That reference could be only interesting for the six threads referenced in this box.</p>

<p>John, IMHO the WedNEsDAy PiC doesn`t have the intention of excluding anybody. It`s just a very relaxed weekly thread in the Nikon forum where PN users, usually habituals from this forum, can post and comment their images in a friendly way... to learn and enjoy. It`s nice and constructing to see what others can do with our same gear. Just this.</p>

<p>Anyway, I`m convinced we are all pleased to see Jay`s pic from the NY platform, where I have been also waiting for the train in the same place a few years ago. Taken with a Leica? Hmmm, I didn`t notice that... it looks good... well, check that he tooks his Nikon as soon as he left the tunnel and <em>saw the light</em>... ;)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I just wanted to point out that it takes dedicated efforts by Jose Angel to have made this thread popular and successful.<br>

Richard Armstrong, Alex Foto, Lil Judd, Michael Miles, Susan Wolfe, really appreciate your compliments. <br>

Great work, everyone!<br>


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<p>This thread has some really awesome shots - - just great. I'm like Lex - I don't go in on the front page, I go straight to the Nikon forum..... Had no idea we were so popular....  But I have on occasion wondered why I've gotten Canon gear recommended. Must be that at times my threads have generated enough action to end up on the Front home page.....<br>

Maybe something for the administration to consider......  Making sure it shows on the front home page which forum the thread is active within....<br>

Lil :-)</p>

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<p>Yup, these weekly pic sharing threads have become very popular this year and are terrific for goodwill and enthusiasm about actually <em>using</em> our Nikons rather than just yakking about it. I'm always fascinated to see what you folks are doing with yours. The diversity is refreshing.</p>
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<p>This is a great thread and I always look now. I posted recently for the first time, a genuine Nikon pic (just Coolpix 4500), but I am generally using other gear. I'll look at the more general W/NW if I get going with my new OM2 SLR but am sort of sorry that a thread with the spirit and courtesy of this thread isn't more widespread. Congratulations to Jose and you all. I gave my daughter an F3. I might just have to ask to borrow it. </p>
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<p>Belatedly, a nice walk in the park for cherry blossom, and a squirell that seemed to be telling me to look at his rear. I know I have to brush up my skill much more, so pardon me.<br /> <br /> D700, 70-200mm f/2.8 @200mm & f8, 1/250, ISO 200<br /> <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-rQpV7U6baTLde11BvXwew?authkey=Gv1sRgCJf86bjlhu3RuAE&feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_kwoecUwgMh4/SeI8Gx8LdiI/AAAAAAAAE-w/9OP_lKvQi4c/s800/KIH_0924.JPG" alt="" /> </a> <br /> <br /> same as above<br /></p>

<b>Mod note: 2nd photo deleted. One per participant on the weekly photo threads, please.</b>

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<p>Great work everybody!<br>

Wow, I had never been this late to post... I think it is Friday already! Sorry! I lost track of time....<br>

Finally I have the time to relax. I was looking forward this trip for so long. i just wanted to get away from work. Even now I don't wanna bother too much with the camera. i just need to relax.<br>

Anyway, this shot was taking this morning. It is my friends lake somewhere in Southfalk, UK. Somersfield lake. I think some of these names are misspelled. <br>

I am not good for landscape but the place is so beautiful that I haven't been bothering with birds.<br>

Anyway, I am having a great time and it is just getting better coz tomorrow morning I fly to Madeira! I'll be shooting a wedding and I just found out I am the only photographer.... I don't like the idea. I don't even know how I will do it coz I am also the best man.... Wish me luck!<br>

Thank you all for sharing your work.... Please let me apologize for being so late and next week it will be the same! Cheers!</p><div>00T9wc-127921584.jpg.2090f7ac882d21efe6e5b13457fafa04.jpg</div>

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