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wireless shutter release for 5DmkII?


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<p>I searched through the forums but wasn't able to find the exact thing I'm looking for. I don't want a wired remote, it won't work for my intended purposes. I specifically need a wireless remote shutter release, something where I can just point to the camera, press a button, and it takes a photo. That's it. Simple, right? Any suggestions? Does such a thing even exist? Thanks in advance.</p>
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<p>Hi Peter,<br>

Yes it does exist but if you want canon will cost. I think from memory the unit is about $900 Australian. However, you can pick them up on ebay, chinese knock off's for about $20-30 Australian. They plug into the hot shoe and a lead goes into the remote port on the side. At least this is how it is for the 40D and I expect all higher cameras are the same, have not seen a cheap one on the Australian canon website. I just got a simple cable chinese release $20 off ebay. Works pretty well though I hunger for the radio one. The Canon unit has a stated range of about 330 feet, (correct me if I am wrong anyone). The lower cameras 450D and 1000D use the cheaper remote, got one of those for my old film bodies.<br>

If you are in the US, the larger stores like B&H or similar places in the UK might have third party units. I am afraid there is no cheap cannon remote available i this country anyway. This is what I know from my part of the globe anyway.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hi Peter,<br>

Yes it does exist but if you want canon will cost. I think from memory the unit is about $900 Australian. However, you can pick them up on ebay, chinese knock off's for about $20-30 Australian. They plug into the hot shoe and a lead goes into the remote port on the side. At least this is how it is for the 40D and I expect all higher cameras are the same, have not seen a cheap one on the Australian canon website. I just got a simple cable chinese release $20 off ebay. Works pretty well though I hunger for the radio one. The Canon unit has a stated range of about 330 feet, (correct me if I am wrong anyone). The lower cameras 450D and 1000D use the cheaper remote, got one of those for my old film bodies.<br>

If you are in the US, the larger stores like B&H or similar places in the UK might have third party units. I am afraid there is no cheap cannon remote available i this country anyway. This is what I know from my part of the globe anyway.</p>

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<p>Yes there is the Canon RC-5 which is an infa-red device. IR is good in that it does not interfere with and is not interered with by radio frequency devices. IR remotes are limited in that you must be in line of sight of the reciever and they can suffer reduced range in some bright sunny locations.<br>

I own two different RF remotes which I purchased via the web. one is only about $20 and comes from a dealier in hong kong. It works, but is a bit on the cheezy side, has very restricted range and uses a small telescoping antenna in the trigger transmitter. Item two costs about twice as much, I found it on e-bay. It has better range the transmitter antenna is integrated in to the button so that you can easily hide it in your hand, and it does the two stage half press for focus, full press for shutter release. Its only down side as far as I know so far is that if you have the camera set up for burst triggering, the pulse width of the trigger button pulse is so long that you get a minimum of two exposures. <br>

I would gladly give you the model number and manufacturer of this second item, but I am currently not in the same town as my camera gear.</p>

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<p>You assume that I have the camera and the manual at the present time, which is an incorrect assumption. I am in the process of purchasing one, but in order to do so, I need to verify that there exist reasonable accessory solutions to my photographic needs. In plain English, I'm not going to buy a camera that isn't going to support a basic wireless trigger, and given the relatively new status of the 5DmkII, there isn't a lot of information about what devices are compatible.<br>

Sounds like the basic RC-1 should work, although I've heard that there are two potential issues with this remote: (1) the IR sensor may be blocked by a lens hood or a long lens; (2) the IR may cause incorrect metering in low-light conditions. Given that these issues are mostly independent of the particular model of body, does anyone have opinions about these possible shortcomings? I doubt they would be severe enough to get me to choose some third-party RF remote.</p>

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<p>>I've heard that there are two potential issues with this remote: (1) the IR sensor may be blocked by a lens hood or a long lens; (2) the IR may cause incorrect metering in low-light conditions<br>

1: there's usually enough light bouncing around indoors or wherever that this isn't a problem. However, if you try to trigger the camera from the back and there's no reflective surface nearby, then the camera won't be able to see the remote.<br>

2: what the heck? You've heard that the brief pulses of IR from a remote control can affect the focusing? What a totally bizarre claim.</p>

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<p>No, I'm referring to the metering, not focusing...it's not my claim--after all, I have neither the remote nor the camera--it's just something I heard. Some online review said that the IR directed at the camera tends to throw off the metering in low light conditions, causing underexposure. But even so, that's easily overcome with exposure compensation. *shrug*</p>
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<p><em>"You assume that I have the camera and the manual at the present time, which is an incorrect assumption. I am in the process of purchasing one, but in order to do so, I need to verify that there exist reasonable accessory solutions to my photographic needs. In plain English, I'm not going to buy a camera that isn't going to support a basic wireless trigger, and given the relatively new status of the 5DmkII, there isn't a lot of information about what devices are compatible."</em></p>

<p>Weird, very much so. Of course one would assume you have the 5D2. Anyway -- the manual is easy to find and download and Canon is specific about what wireless remote you use with this new camera. In plainer English, the RC-5 or -1 is the way to go. I cannot think of a time a wireless remote has messed up my metering (but I've never tried it with a DSLR before). Never heard of such a thing until today. Good luck!</p>

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<p>Peter, I would recommend you <a href="http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/6/0300001676/01/eos5dmkii-im-en.pdf">download the manual</a> first to verify the camera has all the features you need and that you get a better feal for its limitations. Chances are the camera will do everything you need with few limitations but you never can be sure. The manual is free.</p>
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<p>I purchased an inexpensive third party wireless shutter remote from a seller from Hong Kong on ebay like this one:<br>


It works well, although I experienced some minor drama with the seller--the first one I got didnt work, so I had to send it back for a replacement. The second one I got had a smashed transmitter. He finally sent me out a replacement transmitter and now I'm in business. Ended up taking me about 3 months to finally get a working product.</p>

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