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5D Mark II AF point selection


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<p>Does anyone know how to shut off the 5D Mark II's 8 focus assist points, leaving only the center AF point active? I suspect that the answer is buried in a custom function, but I've read and re-read the manual to no avail. I like to use the center AF point to focus, and then lock focus and recompose. But unlike my 1V or 3, the 5D II tends to focus on the nearest point in the frame, often using one of the focus assist points to do so.</p>
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<p>Mark I responded to a similar post a while ago but Elliot is correct - you turn them off with the menu. The sequence is Menu, then the Custom function (brown camera tab - second from Right), then the third item down C.FnIII: Autofocus/drivethen function 7 - AF point Expansion where you can enable or disable. I have similar observations to you that for general single shot work these points can result in focusing on the wrong item - especially portraits with a very fast aperture or macro work. What I have found with the 5D II (I like you moved from the 1NRS / 1V / 3 film bodies) is that the AF is weaker than the 1 series bodies but with care and good glass does not seem to be a problem. I have found best results using single shot with AF assist off and the center point (this is definately better than the other AF points so unlike with the 1V I always use the center - lock focus and re-compose). AI Servo is also very good but here you need to use the center AF point but turn the AF assist points on. Most of the other AF settings (e.g. AI Focus and auto AF point selection being the worst) are not soo good. I suspect that this is why people have had AF issues with this body. So far all of my lenses have not needed AF micro adjustment so I have left this well alone.</p>
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